The Best Reader [Search results for in my mailbox

  • Blogger Question #4- Part 3

    Blogger Question #4- Part 3

    What is your absolute favorite part of blogging?

    ISALYS: Ooh, this is a toughie! Meeting bloggers and authors? Oh, I said that already. How about… being able to compare & talk about books with other bookworms. Bloggers and word-of-mouth are really the best form of advertising so I've really come to trust the opinions of my fellow bloggers when it comes to what to read or what not to read. If it wasn't for them, my scope of reading material would be much smaller.

    VANESSA: Yeah, I'd have to agree with Isalys. I love being able to chat about books with my fellow book worms. It's thanks to them that I find new and exciting books to read. I love their suggestions. Especially when it starts with"OMG you HAVE to read this book!"
    - Isalys & Vanessa at Book Soulmates
    The absolute favorite part of blogging — Well, when I find a new book or author that I love is always a HUGE favorite part of it all. I think I’d have to say meeting my best friend – Jessica from right here at Confessions of a Bookaholic would have to be one of the best parts to everything. She keeps me sane and is there to squeeeee over books and authors and listens to all my crazy ideas. Without the great friends you find in the blogging community it would be a lonelier place. So, I’d have to say the people I’ve met are right up there with finding a great book and author. — Lisa at A Life Bound by Books
    Discussing my favorite books with other enthusiasts, finding new books and turning others onto my favorites. Right now, a blog friend is reading Jane Eyre for the first time and tweeting about it. It's so exciting to see her fall in love with a book I love. — Chris at Chrisbookaram
    What is your absolute favorite part of blogging? Knowing that someone has picked up a book I've recommended and liked/loved it! — Janenifer at YA Book Nerd

    Other than getting to talk about books all the time? The comradery. It really is amazing. I now have friends all over the world and we became friends because we love books and love talking about them. I have met some of the neatest people and it's all because of blogging. It's just really awesome to think about. — Jessica at The Firefly Book Loft
    Hands-down, the community! With the other bloggers, the authors and most especially my blogging partners. I just love it! — Andye from Reading Teen
    My favorite part of blogging is most definitely voicing my opinion. I am a quiet, shy, reserved girl, but once I am behind my computer screen I let my opinions flow. To have the ability to convince someone to read a book, a book that could potentially change their life, is such an honor. — Katelyn at Kayelyn’s Blog
    The people. Above all else, the people. I have met so many amazing people and this year at the Book Blogger Conference in NY I can hardly wait to meet more of them in person! — Emma at Emma Michaels
    I love everything about blogging! The other book bloggers are just so great, talking with authors is always awesome, and hearing what others think about my blog posts is interesting. If I had to pick one aspect to be my favorite, it would probably be the tight knit community that I was welcomed into with open arms. I have made better friends through blogging than I have offline, and I'm truly thankful for that. — Theresa at Fade Into Fantasy
    My favorite part of blogging is being able to share pieces of me with readers. I blog on everything, so someone who visits my blog will learn a little about me. I also love being able to read and review books so that others can share in my love for reading.
    - Raenice at Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Publication
    Hmmmm, mine is not about blogging in particular but instead other bloggers activity, which jus happens to be the weekly meme: In My Mailbox. On Saturday (which is when most people make their In My Mailbox posts) I spend the majority of my evening constantly refreshing my homepage checking out people In My Mailboxes and then on Sunday when the IMM Mr. Linky is up I go through almost everyone's posts. I love looking at everyone's books. — Kayleigh at OnceUponABookNerd
    Hmmm, it’s difficult to pick just one aspect. I actually quite enjoy the satisfying feeling of writing a solid review or discussion post that expresses my thoughts really clearly. And I love receiving meaningful comments that spark a conversation with another blogger. — Danya at A Tapestry of Words
    My favorite part of blogging is when I get comments. Is that silly? It's just that you already know how much I love having people to talk about books with so the next thing on the list would be comments. That feeling you get when you open your blog page in the morning and find an encouraging comment is just great. Even when I get negative comments I’m happy because, even if there negative someone still took the time to read my post and tell me their thoughts. — Khadija at Black Fingernail Reviews
    To be honest, I don’t know if I could name a favorite part. Maybe it’s the community or the exposure to new books and genres. But I really think it’s all of it. Most of the time, blogging is just a good experience. Sure sometimes I have writer’s block and can barely put together a coherent sentence but, most of the time, blogging is a joy. — Grace at Books Like Breathing
    I think blogging, like writing, is a way to get your thoughts out there, even if you don't get any comments (or you don't know how to check your stats to see how many times your post has been read!) it's great to release what's on your mind. I was never much of a secret diary person, more of a chatty gossiper so blogging works well for me. — Kirsty from Kirstyes
    Finding out what others are reading and raving about! — Michelle at Hooked on Books
    Learning about books that probably won't be on my radar without the blogging community. Talking with others about our favorite books, genres, and anything else that comes to mind. Chatting with authors like they're everyday people (which they are).
    - Page at One Book at a Time
    I love connecting with other writers. It's the best!
    - Bridgid at Inky Fresh Press
    Talking with other bloggers and readers is my absolute favorite part! Twitter is amazing for this. I'm slightly obsessed with it (@KaitorTot) and I love talking with the other bloggers on there. I also like how blogging helps me develop my writing voice. — Kaitlyn at Kaitlyn in Bookland
    Being able to share my opinions on books with a bigger audience. And letting my favorite authors know how much I appreciate them! Meeting so many interesting people around the blogosphere. — Alex at More Than Just a Book
    Being able to share great books with others and having interaction with readers through comments on blog posts.
    -JL at An Avid Reader's Musings
    Definitely conversing with other bloggers. I have such a lovely and warm relationship with some. Bloggers who I adore and consider true friends and cherish. These are the blogggers that I instantly click with, and before I know it we have been friends for months — then years. It's why I wouldn’t change anything about my experience. I have met the most amazing people through blogging. People who have made me a better person whether they know it or not. — Aly at Fantasy4eva

    *The fourth question for the authors will be posted tomorrow.
    USE GOOGLE if you want to know more about the blogoversary celebration.

  • The Weekend Memes 1.8.10

    The Weekend Memes 1.8.10

    I feel like sometimes all my weekend posts are memes. I don't have a problem with memes, I don't want it to consume my blog with 3/6 posts I do a week (rough estimate). So, with a new year of blogging resolutions, I'm going to try something different: smash In My Mailbox, Sunday Salon, and It's Monday into one post. Let's see how it goes.

    Hosted by The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course. So far, I've held true to my word and haven't purchased a book this week! I've read three so far (so that's another three off my shelves). I did go to the library (dangerous deal) to return the keys to the computer lab, and accidentally walked out with three books. For Review: Won: From the library:

    • "Inside Out"
    • "The Twin's Daughter"
    • "White Cat"
    • "Definitely Dead" (Audio)
    Downloaded: Purchased:

    The Sunday

    I won't lie, I'm pretty proud of myself this week. As I stated earlier, I've stayed focused and haven't purchased a book (although my trip to the library did put me back a bit). I've also been reading a lot, but it's easier now that D reads with me. I finished four books this week — "Delirium, " "Wake," and "Change of Heart." I've contacted two authors about author interviews and I've been diligent about my Google Reader and commenting on as many posts as possible — my new goal is for any post about a book I've heard of, read, or want to read = COMMENT! It's been working really well so far. I've found that it's not so impossible to stay on top of my Google Reader as long as I don't let it get so large. I've been checking it when I wake up 5:30 am, during my lunch break, after school, and before bed. It sounds like a lot, but it's only ever for fifteen or so minutes at a time. I'm really proud of my blogging attitude this week! I feel like I've done everything I can to be supportive to others and an active member of this awesome community. I know not every week will be like this one, but I feel like this New Year is off to the right start.

    In my classroom I've "bitten the bullet" and loaned two of my "be careful, it's signed" books to students: "Knightley Academy" and "Delirium." I know, I know — I can't believe it either. I gave both of the students the lecture: "This book is signed. I know the author. It's important to me. Please don't break the spine, dog-ear the pages, wipe your buggers on the pages, etc." For "Delirium" it was a bit more involved: "This book isn't even out yet. It's signed to me. It's my favorite book. Please... treat it well."

    I don't normally have a problem with my students using my books, but it seems like three students later and the books are in super bad shape! Again, this doesn't normally bother me (even with signed copies of "Shade" and "The Dark Divine"), but "Delirium" was one of those books I hate out my hands. When the book is released (in 23 days), I'll buy a copy to put in my room. This one is special! It's signed to me — most times I have authors write "To Miss Remmers' Class" or the "BVHS students." It means a lot to me and I wouldn't have loaned it out if this student wasn't extremely trustworthy, but it is still hard. When to loan and when not to loan books? Most of the times I justify loaning (even signed) books by saying "what good are they doing on my shelves?" But again, sometimes I struggle giving up a book.

    Hosted by Sheila — Thank you!

    This week I finished "Delirium," "Wake," and "Change of Heart," — which means that I did what I said I was going to do! Seems like forever since I've been so productive!

    Review Books: "When the Stars Go Blue"

    My Books/Recreational Read: "How to Say Goodbye in Robot" and "Inside Out"

    Class Books: "The Odyssey"

  • Sophomore Books Required!

    Sophomore Books Required!

    Last year in what seemed like a span of weeks I read five fantastic novels that just happened to be the first of a series: "Across the Universe, " "Delirium, " "The Goddess Test, " "Wither, " and "Matched. " These five novels absolutely changed my reading life. With each of these books I was positively awe-struck.

    "I read this book almost in its entirety in one day... but it feels like I've known these characters for months, years even! The journey I just got back from after reading "Wither" was an experience that every bibliophile looks forward to with every book they open. "Wither" may not fulfill this experience for everyone — but it sure did for me."

    "I hurt with the emotion I felt, I hurt because I couldn't stop willing the plot on, my heart hurt out of love for the characters, and my adrenaline never slowed the last 100 pages. This book caused me physical pain I loved it so much."

    "Fantastically timed writing along with perfectly developed characters and a seamlessly exciting plot makes "Delirium" an instant favorite and a story not likely forgotten anytime soon."

    "'Across the Universe' was woven so intricately and beautifully that this plot driven novel is definitely on my 'OMG! I need the next book!' list."

    "I don't know about you, but during the duration of reading this book I wrote entirely in cursive. What an inspiring concept!"
    So you can only imagine how excited I am for their sequels to be released. "Crossed" (out last week) was in my fingertips at BEA and I had actually started reading while in line for other books but unfortunately it was not to be finished. I pre-ordered it through Amazon about a month ago (and I won't make that mistake again); it arrived on Friday and I am so excited to continue the story.

    Today I received in the mail at school a copy of "A Million Suns" by Beth Revis (Jan 2012) from the publisher and am completely stoked! Last week I received a copy "Pandemonium" by Lauren Oliver (March 2012) from the publisher and am currently only about 100 pages in — but this four day weekend will completely change the game around.

    Please ignore my yellow bookmark.
    And to finish things off I just found out that "Goddess Interrupted" will be released on NetGalley a few months before the release (March 2012).
    If you're getting the impression that I am on a book high — you'd be completely underestimating my excitement. My "in my mailbox" has never EVER been so exciting before! I'm a relatively small-town blogger and probably only receive one book a month from publishers (if that). But this post is not an "IMM" (expect a vlog!!), there is a reason these books in particular are crossing my doorstep.
    At school I have put together a group of ten students, a very cool name is yet to be decided on, who meet, read, suggest, and promote YA books to my other students during Friday's Recreational Reading time. Basically we meet during lunch and talk books — much like a book club. Then we decided which books of the week are our absolute favorites and each student volunteers to book talk a book to my English classes on Friday before reading. It started out with "older" books and ironically my five favorites were all chosen to be book talked. Then my students started to talk about the sequels and how they were dying to get their hands on them (much like myself) and so I figured I'd attempt to receive one of these coveted ARCS and become the coolest and most awesome teacher ever. So I sent out a few emails to authors (as I have no legitimate "contacts") and low and behold (who ever thought of that term?) two books found their way to my doorstep.
    I'll be presenting these books to my students on Monday when we meet and I can't WAIT to see their eyes light up. The idea that publishers would send ME (of all people — according to the students) books before they even came out is a completely foreign idea to these students and I'm just exploding with excitement. I sort of feel like a cave man bringing home fire (or a wheel) for the first time.

  • In My Mailbox 7.15.09

    In My Mailbox 7.15.09

    I couldn't find a meme that fit exactly what I was looking for — so we'll just try this. I don't want something on Monday, because there are already two memes I'm participating in. And I'm really not a big reader of new releases (right away at least) — so "Waiting on Wednesday" doesn't really work for me. I'm looking for a meme where I can post what I receive in the mail (either through contests or for review) and whatever I get from the library. If you know of something like this — please let me know!

    Last week I received in my mailbox three books! My first three books at that! I am very excited!

    For Review:
    Then thanks to Book Blogs, Preetham Grandhi, was able to send me a personally signed copy of "A Circle of Souls".

    "The sleepy town of Newbury, Connecticut, is shocked when a little girl is found brutally murdered. With the murderer on the loose, the police desperately look for any clues to lead to his identity. Meanwhile, a psychiatrist in a nearby hospital is also in a desperate search to find the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings' devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya's parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope. When these two situations converge, they set off an alarming chain of events. In this stunning psychological thriller, innocence gives way to evil, and trust lies forgotten in a web of deceit, fear, and murder."

    I won in a Twitter Contest from @lizzyarmentrout a wonderful signed copy of "A Vengeful Spirit".


    "Welcome to Pilotview, NC; a quiet, peaceful town where nothing much happens. That all changes when evil strikes the Irvin family. Why is someone targeting Tucker's family? What could a 12 year old have done to bring such terror to his home? Why is his father missing? Shelly Gale, his teacher, can't resist helping one of her students as his family seems to go through trial after trial."

    Finally, thanks to Laurel and Vic at Jane Austen Today, I won a copy of "Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict".

    "Laurie Viera Rigler’s debut novel, Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, was a hit with fans and critics, and a BookSense and Los Angeles Times bestseller. Its open-to-interpretation ending left readers begging for more—and Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict delivers. While Confessions took twenty-first-century free spirit Courtney Stone into the social confines of Jane Austen’s era, Rude Awakenings tells the parallel story of Jane Mansfield, a gentleman’s daughter from Regency England who inexplicably awakens in Courtney’s overly wired and morally confused L.A. life.

    For Jane, the modern world is not wholly disagreeable. Her apartment may be smaller than a dressing closet, but it is fitted up with lights that burn without candles, machines that wash bodies and clothes, and a glossy rectangle in which tiny people perform scenes from her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. Granted, if she wants to travel she may have to drive a formidable metal carriage, but she may do so without a chaperone. And oh, what places she goes! Public assemblies that pulsate with pounding music. Unbound hair and unrestricted clothing. The freedom to say what she wants when she wants—even to men without a proper introduction.

    Jane relishes the privacy, independence, even the power to earn her own money. But how is she to fathom her employer’s incomprehensible dictates about “syncing a BlackBerry” and “rolling a call”? How can she navigate a world in which entire publications are devoted to brides but flirting and kissing and even the sexual act itself raise no matrimonial expectations? Even more bewildering are the memories that are not her own. And the friend named Wes, who is as attractive and confusing to Jane as the man who broke her heart back home. It’s enough to make her wonder if she would be better off in her own time, where at least the rules are clear—that is, if returning is even an option."

    From the library:

    "Suspense and Sensibility"
    "Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride"

    I am very much excited to read these books. So look forward to reviews and perhaps even an author review (we'll see if I can persuade them). And even more exciting — receiving my first books (inevitably) means my first give away! Since "A Circle of Souls" is personalized to me, I don't think I'll give it away. I might 'lend' it to my dad — he's really interested in reading it — or I may even keep it for my classroom! But stay tuned for all the possibilities!

    If you are a member of Book Blogs — be my friend (please)! Also, I encourage you to look up Mr.Preetham Grandhi. If you are a twitter"er" — @lizzyarmentrout is always up for interesting conversations and she is extremely friendly! And you can always look me up too! @ReaganRay — although I can't promise to be near as entertaining! And definitely stop by Jane Austen Today — I stop there everyday.

    Thank you so much, Ms. Armentrout, Laurel and Vic at Jane Austen Today, and Mr. Grandhi. I look forward very much to reading these books!

  • Winners and Blog News/Survey Results!

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to fill out my blog survey. First, I'll go over the feedback then announce the winners below.
    Overall, you all said you really enjoy my blog. THANK YOU! That means so much to me!

    REVIEWS — All responses were either great/average.which is wonderful to me. I sometimes struggle with reviews and, oddly enough, the more I liked a book, the harder the review is to write. I feel like I'm not doing it justice. I had some people say they wished I'd add a section to my reviews that said if I recommend the book or not, or who it would be recommended for. That is a great idea! I will start doing this. I'll try to either add (Recommended for ALL/PARANORMAL/CONTEMPORARY fans), something like that and I'll add an age range when needed.

    INTERVIEWS — Most of you enjoy my author interviews. Some said they didn't read those, which I completely understand. Typically, I add interviews when I'm giving away a book by that author. I feel it's a way to explain the book better to the readers and introduce them to the person who wrote it. I always alter the questions to fit the author/book. Sometimes they are the same questions you will see on another interview, but I try really hard to not just use the same questions over and over. I'm still trying to expand on this and come up with new post ideas for authors.

    GIVEAWAYS — Responses ranged on this question. A majority said the giveaways were great, some said average, and a few said bad. Which is fine. I wanted honest opinions. According to blogger (and this number isn't completely accurate), I've hosted around 193 giveaways. Most of the time these giveaways are made possible by the author or publisher. I try whenever possible to include International readers by giving away ebook copies. Giveaways are one of my favorite parts of blogging because it's nice to give people the chance to read a book they may not have been able to pick up. I would love to host giveaways more but it is expensive to package and ship the books. People may not realize it, but many times bloggers do pay for those things (any time it doesn't come directly from the publisher/author). I'd love to have more giveaways, open to everyone, but it just isn't possible. Even an event like Haunted Halloween costs us (Lisa and I together) about $400 for shipping and supplies alone during that 1 month.

    EXPLORING NEW YA — This was a new feature this year and I wanted to know if people liked it. The reason being because it takes an incredible amount of time to set up: ) I post it twice a month. Some people said they haven't seen it, and others said they read it, but normally don't add any of the books to their lists. Just a note, if you haven't seen the feature at all, you can click on FEATURES then EXPLORING NEW YA at the top of the blog. Lots of people said they love it and do use it for book recommendations too. I do enjoy having a place where new releases can be featured. I'm just glad most people do see it and may find some books they'll enjoy.

    MOVIE REVIEWS — This part was kinda even around the board. Some liked it, some didn't, some didn't care.: ) This is a new feature that I do think I'll have on, but only occasionally. Maybe 1-2 posts a month related to movies. I liked this idea because we all watch movies. Sometimes these movies will be related to books (like Water for Elephants). When I got the opportunity to review movies for Fox Entertainment I didn't want to pass that up. Especially since they do offer giveaways for many of these movies. This is something I'd really like to offer to readers. Plus, I really need more features on here. I know people get tired of reviews and interviews so this will give me something to break that up. Hopefully people like it!

    LEAST FAVORITE POSTS — This one had a wide range of answers but a majority picked either YA NEWS, INTERVIEWS/GUEST POSTS or IN MY MAILBOX. YA News is something I post occasionally just to highlight some things going on in the YA book world. Sometimes it's cheap books/ebooks, author news, book covers, or other bookish news. It's sort of a"misc." place to put things. I would like to make it a more enjoyable thing to read, but it all really depends on what's going on right at that time. I'll try to include more interesting things as we go along. Interviews/Guest Posts are kinda part of the norm for bloggers. I mentioned interviews above and I do want to make these posts more interesting as well. Sometimes these posts are part of a tour so they are out of my hands but I do want people to enjoy what they read. In My Mailbox will be mentioned below.

    FREE/CHEAP EBOOKS — Most of you said you do want to know about free or cheap ebooks. This is something I've had in YA News most of the time. I'm going to keep a look out for these books and hopefully post about them more frequently. For now, they will be with other YA news though. I don't find out about them enough to have a separate thing so be on the lookout for those.

    INDIE/SELF-PUBLISHED BOOKS — A majority said yes, they do read these books. I try super hard to feature these books for a few reasons. 1- the books can totally rock! Some of my all-time favorite books are self-published or from a super small publisher. 2- the authors rock! 3- the books are normally much cheaper. This is especially true if it's in ebook form. So, an awesome book for only.99 or $2.99? Yes! And 4- because these awesome books from these fabulous authors are often overlooked. I'm not someone who will ever turn down someone just because their book is self-published or from a publisher I'm unaware of. That isn't fair. Every book deserves a chance and if it's something I think I'll enjoy, I'll read it. That's the fun part of reading. You never know where your next favorite book will come from. At the same time, it really makes me happy to know that the readers enjoy these books as well. I honestly wasn't sure if people did so I'm sure this makes a lot of the authors very pleased.

    WHAT IS NEEDED? — This had a wide range of answers. CONTEMPORARY/HISTORICAL/FANTASY/MYSTERY. And this is why I loved the survey. I hadn't realized how neglected certain genre's were on here! Especially contemporary. I love contemporary books! I admit, when I first started blogging paranormal was my go-to type. Over time, I've tried to expand that a bit. This can be difficult because I'd say around 60-70% of the review books I receive are paranormal. But I will be changing this! I'm even thinking of having a contemporary week in a few months. I'm reading more and more contemp. books so you guys are in luck! I'm not a huge fan of historical and I really don't get many of those for review. Same goes for fantasy or mystery. But, I will still try to feature those books in some way. I do want to have a nice balance on here.

    WHAT IS NOT NEEDED? I didn't have a ton of answers here but PARANORMAL was a common answer.: ) Sorry guys! I do have lots and lots of paranormal. Expanding my own book preferences is a goal of mine for this year. I've been surprised in the past by the books I've liked so I think it will be nice to get out of my comfort zone.

    WHAT NEEDS IMPROVED? Some people commented here about the blog appearance. I do realize there is a font problem. I'm not sure why it's like that and my blog designer isn't sure either. It is small and usually I have to go back and resize each post (but then that throws the formatting off). This is something I plan to work on. Along with that, I hope to de-clutter a bit and change things around in the next few months. But it's good to hear from readers because I'm not sure how things show up or load for you guys. Others said NOTHING, so thank you!!: ) I'm so happy to see that many of you enjoy my blog and like coming here. I did see a comment about using more social media and YES, I need to do this badly. I'm naturally introverted. I do have twitter but rarely get on there. I lurk a lot: ) I do want to become more social on twitter and even have more conversations take place on the blog. Actually I'm working on this part right now (stay tuned for details on that!).

    FAVORITE PART OF THE BLOG — You guys had such nice answers here! Many said reviews, that I think of international followers, that I seem to care about my readers (I do, lots!), that I'm nice (*blush*). Thank you! Sometimes it's hard to know how things come off when we are just typing them out. I never want anyone to feel ignored or like I don't care about what the majority would want. Yes, I blog for myself but I enjoy it because of you guys. Honestly, I would never do this if no one read what I wrote. The enjoyment comes from knowing that maybe at least 1 person will get joy out of a book I recommend, or out of reading about a new author. That is what makes everything worthwhile.
    HOW OFTEN DO YOU COME HERE? Most said a few times a week, which is great! I know I've been slacking since October. Haunted Halloween sort of gives me a blogging hangover: ) I want to pick things back up again and I do have lots planned!

    LAYOUT — Most people said they loved it or it was average. Personality, I do love the overall look of the blog but I do plan to change things up a bit because I know it can get boring. But the design will stay the same for a while, little things may change.

    IN MY MAILBOX — I know IMM is something people either love or hate. Some people picked it as a favorite post and some suggested I stop doing it. I don't do IMM each week. I'm lucky to do it once a month.: ) So if you see a ton of books on here, that's why. I DO like to do IMM occasionally because it's a way to mention books that may otherwise not be noticed. I can't read everything I get, and I'd feel bad for getting a book that never gets viewed on my blog. IMM gives me a way to show the books where hopefully some people will see them and add them to their lists. I personally love seeing people's mailbox posts because I get a lot of good book ideas myself. Plus, it's nice to see an actual copy of the book (I'm all about book covers!). So I guess I'll be somewhere in the middle. IMM won't be something you'll see here each week, but I won't be cutting it out completely. But I did want to mention it so people know why I personally do it.

    RATING REVIEWS — Everyone said yes or that it doesn't matter. I wasn't sure if people liked this fact or not so I was glad with the results. I pay much more attention to reviews that are rated but I didn't know if people agreed with that or hated if a book was rated. This will be staying the same. I will continue to rate books and will be adding the recommendations I added above.

    Again, thank you guys so much for participating! You all had such nice comments and suggestions. Another survey will be posted in the near future related to Haunted Halloween. Lisa and I will give more information about that soon.

    Also, be on the lookout for some new features coming up!: )

    US Winner (Wins Damon.uhh, I mean Vampire Diaries season 2, UNLEASHED, and AMPLIFIED) theatredreamer@…

    INTERNATIONAL Winner ambiepie@…

    Other Winners from past giveaways

    HUSHED Ashley
    OBSIDIAN (ebook) Kristin A.

  • Author Question #2

    Author Question #2

    2. What are some of the favorite features you see bloggers do?

    I really enjoy a chance to interact with book people. I was even invited to do a live chat in Spanish! Another thing I've been grateful for is the chance to donate books to charity auctions and literacy campaigns. We all love books, stories, movies, and talking about the arts. I like hearing about new books to read, which I get from bloggers. — Nancy Holder

    Contests and giveaways are great, of course, especially when I get the opportunity to share my books. I’ll often peek at the IMM’s and WoWs just to see what bloggers are getting and what they’re looking forward to. I really enjoy discussions, though. Whether it’s about covers or characters or whatever, it’s fun to see two or more bloggers go back and forth on a particular topic. It doesn’t matter if they agree or disagree with each other, I just enjoy the conversation. It’s like being a fly on the wall of a kitchen where two reader friends talk about what they just read, a character they hate or love, a plot twist that really threw them, comparing books, etc. I would love to be able to sit in on these conversations that go on all over the world at any given time. They’re fun and I learn a lot as a writer. I’d love to see these done more often on the blogs. — Kristie Cook

    As an author I do interviews for a lot of blogs. It can be difficult to come up with new and interesting answers. I adore those bloggers who ask me off-the-wall ones, they make me work for it (LOL).
    I also like blogging as one of my characters. Again, it’s something different and fun. And my characters get to chance to “show off.” — Jana Oliver

    The Challenges are cool. Of course, I love the Historical Fiction Challenge. The In My Mailbox meme is exciting – it has that ‘new car’ feel to it. I love when a great idea catches fire, and you see — Julie Chibbaro

    Oh, wow, that is so hard. I would have to say that I love character interviews. I also love traditional reviews, though. There's nothing more satisfying than reading how a book emotionally impacts a reader in his or her own words. — Janenifer DeLucy

    What especially impresses me is when bloggers do something off the beaten track, or generate deeper discussions about books and other YA topics. Creative and interactive posts are always fun, and I’ll confess… it never fails to make my day when I see someone’s “Waiting on Wednesday” featuring one of my books.: ) — Holly Cupala

    I love interviews, especially the ones that really go in depth about writing or books, something more than just"Where did you get the idea for this novel?" I also am rather fond of the"Waiting on Wednesday" meme--I've found several new books that way. — Beth Revis

    Bloggers do so many wonderful features. “Waiting on Wednesday” and similar features are great, because they spread the word about upcoming titles. Interviews and guest posts are also fantastic, as they give authors an opportunity to discuss their novels and to share their thoughts with readers. I have seen so many other fun and informative features that I have enjoyed, too. I’m quite impressed with bloggers’ insightfulness and creativity! — Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

    There are so many fun aspects of books that bloggers have picked up on, making it difficult for me to choose. I love cover art, and I love the mailbag segments that you do where you show off what's come in the mail. As much as I like reviews of specific books, I like to hear from bloggers about how how they feel about common elements in many of today's popular books. Reading thoughts on what makes a good love triangle, villain, or fantasy world would be fun. One thing I would like that I don't think I've ever seen anyone do would be to choose a short excerpt from a book and describe why you like it. Doing some close reading in the way would be a nice way to think deeply about a book. — Jason Letts

    The blog hops, waiting on wednesday, in my mailbox come to mind. — Brenda Pandos

    * The third question for the bloggers will be posted tomorrow in 3 parts. USE GOOGLE if you want to know more about the blogoversary celebration.

  • Sunday Salon 11.6.11

    Sunday Salon 11.6.11

    This week I sort of lost my great pacing of last week, but to my credit it wasn't entirely my fault. I blame Amazon. I finished a great novel last Sunday ("The Pledge") and then figured I should wait until "Crossed"comes in the mail as I preordered it so that the book that I would have started didn't get neglected.

    Did that make sense?

    Well, I waited and waited and "Crossed" didn't come and I didn't start anything new. And then, on Thursday, my life changed. I received a copy of "Pandemonium!" So, needless to say, I'm pretty sure "Crossed" is in my mailbox but I have yet to go check. What I thought would happen, did happen! But with a different book and a different circumstance.

    Since I don't have a lot of book news to talk about, I thought I'd sum up the rest of my life as it is currently being led. This week and last week my life has changed quite a bit (no, I'm not pregnant). First of all, I decided to coach hockey this year. It will be my first year coaching but I grew up playing the sport and feel like I'm ready to get back on the ice. I'm just coaching 10U girls, so nothing too competitive or over the top (so I need to keep reminding myself not to take it that far haha).

    I'm also registering for my first grad classes that begin in January and, due to the cost of higher education and the class load, I'm beginning to freak out.

    And then there is NaNoWriMo. I was so excited to participate this year. I got about ten kids to join a club at school and we all set our own word goals (mine was 30,000). I knew that I wouldn't have a lot of time to write during the week so I planned "write-a-thon" parties at the public library with my students during the weekend. So, confession time, yesterday was the first time I sat down to work on my WIP. I know, I'm a complete slacker. Then I got frustrated with my WIP because it wasn't going anywhere (probably due to my lack of preparation). So today, I'm meeting my students in an hour, I'm filing that WIP away and taking out an older one that I feel like I have a better idea of its direction. So we'll see how that goes. I'm loving reading everyone else's progress and reading the Twitter feeds of all the committed participants. I think my biggest struggle is the number one rule of NaNoWriMo, throw away your inner editor. It's extremely difficult. So my personal NaNoWriMo perspective is to use this time to write more and hopefully create a habit that will be possible the other eleven months of the year.

    I feel like my life has changed due to added commitments so much in the last few weeks. I'm so excited to begin all of these new life endeavors.

    Now, if only it would snow.:)

    Happy Sunday everybody!

  • The Weekend Memes 1.15.10

    The Weekend Memes 1.15.10

    Reminder: Have you signed up for my Hopping Giveaway? Win Delirium or one of two $25 gift certificates to Barnes and Noble! It's INTERNATIONAL! Only need 15 more to get the added $15 gift certificates to Barnes and Noble!! SIGN UP HERE!

    I feel like sometimes all my weekend posts are memes. I don't have a problem with memes, but I don't want it to consume my blog. So, with a new year of blogging resolutions, I'm going to try something different: smash In My Mailbox, Sunday Salon, and It's Monday into one post.

    Hosted by The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course. So far, I've still been true to my word and haven't purchased a book this week — although I did purchase a NOOK! I did slow down reading this week though and only finished reading two books: Inside Out and Outside In. A week after purchasing Sam — look at all I found for him for free!

    For Review:

    • "Nocturne" by Syrie James
    Won: From the library:
    • "Fade"
    • "Gone"
    • "The Anatomy of a Boyfriend"
    • "The Lost Saint"
    • "Populazzi" — NetGalley
    • "Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer" — NetGalley
    • "The Cellar" — NetGalley
    • "The Glory of Green" — NetGalley
    • "The Iron Queen" — NetGalley
    • "The Lipstick Laws" — NetGalley
    • "A World of Without Heroes" — GalleyGrab
    • "Always a Witch" — NetGalley
    • "Dead is Not an Option" — NetGalley
    • "Here Lies Bridget" — NetGalley
    • "Jane Austen" — NetGalley
    • "Lost Voices" — NetGalley
    • "One Hundred Candles" — NetGalley
    • "Outside In" — NetGalley
    • "Plan B" — NetGalley
    • "Beasts and BFFs" —
    • "The Demon Girl" —
    • "Dead(ish)" —
    • "Danger in the Shadows" —
    • "Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #1" —
    • "Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #2" —
    • "Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #3" —
    • "Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #4" —
    • "Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith #15" —
    The Star Wars books are for D:) He's addicted and you can't find them in print anymore. Purchased:

    Hosted by Sheila — Thank you!

    This week I finished "Inside Out" and "Outside In."

    Review Books: "When the Stars Go Blue"

    My Books/Recreational Read: "How to Say Goodbye in Robot" and "The Twin's Daughter"
    Class Books: "The Odyssey"

  • Sunday Salon 10.25.09

    Sunday Salon 10.25.09
    The Sunday

    Wow — I'm slowly but surely getting back on track to being a better blogger. Check out my last Sunday Salon.

    This week I put up my very first ever book trailer — I am extremely proud of it. I am hosting another contest — make sure to check it out, "Thanksgiving at the Inn" is the perfect book to come out of the Halloween season with. I loved it! I reviewed a GREAT book — really, it is phenomenal -"The First Thirty Seconds." And to make the week complete, I received an award from Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.

    Speaking of Sheila, she was also this week's Guest Reviewer — donating her review of Dreaming Anastasia. Please share some book love and visit her at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.

    I still have not touched "Mr. Darcy's Dream," I may have to give up on it. There's no point in reading a book that I don't find compelling or interesting. But I'll give it one more day. Last Sunday I started "A Duty to the Dead" and I finished it yesterday, GREAT book. I would have finished it earlier if I didn't have this whole school thing to devote myself too. This week I want to either finish or give up "Mr. Darcy's Dream" and start another book — TBA.

    Still at 30 amazing followers.:)

    This week I have a lot fun things planned! On Monday check back to see a book trailer that I created for an education class. I have never done anything like this before so it took me a lot of time and I'm very proud of it! On Tuesday look for a contest! Ohhh exciting!

    My goal for this week is to finish "A Duty to the Dead" and "Mr. Darcy's Dream".

    Also, each week I'm going to start making a "To Do" list for blog related things — not just reading. It's soon to be the time of year when I'll be sending the HTML address for Miss Remmers' Review out to prospective school districts and I want to make sure it is "spot on". if you have any ideas as to how to make this blog more awesome — please let me know.

    • Rewrite/hone my Guest Reviewer 's post.
    • Rewrite/hone my Mission post.
    • Proofread/Professionalize Review: "A Circle of Souls "
    • Proofread/Professionalize Review: "A Vengeful Spirit "
    • Proofread/Professionalize Review: "Audrey, Wait "
    If you read my In My Mailbox post yesterday, you know that I had a slight computer malfunction. One of the Techfellows (people who fix students computers on campus for free) called on Thursday to tell me that thus far he had deleted 836 viruses or malware from my poor computer (I know, right!). I very much miss my computer, but overall, I got lucky. I didn't have any crazy papers or assignments do this week. But I would still appreciate them getting it fixed and back to me as soon as possible. Said friend also told me that I have 27 GB of photos and 17GB of music on poor computer. He suggested I invest in an external harddrive so that should my poor computer crash and be unsavable — all is not lost. When I was freaking out about poor computer and whether or not it would be saved, I was most freaking out about all the years of pictures and music that I have stored — so I think that I WILL invest in an external harddrive. Anyone have any ideas? I'm fairly new to this concept. So please, keep in your prayers my poor computer.

    I found out this week that a new professor (the one teaching the Harry Potter course) is planning a Harry Potter trip to England for this Spring break. I really want to go, but I'll be student teaching.: ( So to make myself feel better I am determined to remind myself that if i do go abroad I don't want to only see Harry Potter things — I want to Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Chaucer things (among others). I know — it's a sad substitution, still.

    This weekend I participated in the Haunted Forest as a guide. I walked over 24 miles and lost three pounds (also sad). But overall, I just love it. I love Halloween and I wish that I would have planned further ahead and had fun Halloween reviews — but I didn't have time this year. Hopefully next year I'll be more on the ball. What am I going to be for Halloween you ask. Oh, I have no idea. I really want to go as Little Red Riding Hood (here in the midwest we have to plan our costumes around the weather, and a hood would be nice next weekend). But I've yet to find the costume — not that I've gone out looking yet.

    Whew — this was a long post. I miss you all! Don't forget about my awesome giveaway!

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    What did you finish this week?

  • Sunday Salon 12.27.09

    Sunday Salon 12.27.09
    The Sunday

    I beat the storm home last Saturday and have spent the week at home. While it seems like I haven't gotten a lot accomplished, I have. I successfully reattached my 'enter' key and reinstalled Word. I lost most of my music (about 8GB) while trying to transfer music from my iPod to my PC (I've come to terms with said loss) and had a pick me up by having Santa bring me a new iPod Touch (not that I know how to use it yet). I have seen three movies in theaters since last Sunday including: "A Christmas Carol" (let down), "The Princess and the Frog" (surprisingly amazing), and "Sherlock Holmes" (slight let down). Last Sunday my phone broke and they were sending me a new one. It was supposed to arrive on Wednesday. It is now a week later and I still do not have a working phone — but again, I've come to terms. As you can tell, I had a pretty rough week (in regards to technology). Slowly (but surely) things are starting to look up.

    This week I reviewed "Inside Out, " "The Source of Miracles, " "Elmer the Christmas Elf, " "A Christmas Carol: Special Edition, " "I Used to Know That, " and "Cracked Up to Be. " As a result, this has probably been one of the most productive weeks (in regards to blogging/recreational reading) that I have had since August. I'm SO enjoying it. "The Source of Miracles " was one of the best books I've read in such a long time! I can't shut up about it! I did read/finish "Love You, Hate You, Miss You" as well — the review is coming. I did have to abandon two books that have been hanging over my head all semester. I've had both of them for months and I've continually tried to pick them up and read them — but I was forcing myself to do it. And I can't condone forcing myself to read when I have such an awesome bunch of books to read. So, I'll be passing them on (hint hint). Stay tuned.

    Sadly, part of the 8GB of music lost included "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I wasn't too far into it though so I'm not too upset about it. I'll probably look for it at the library. I also didn't do an "In My Mailbox" post as I haven't received anything (not even a phone)! But I do know that I have a book or two waiting for me back at school that I will get sometime this week when I head back for New Years.

    Cassie was this week's Guest Reviewer — donating her review of City of Bones. Please share some book love and visit her at Happy Book Lovers.

    My new holiday campaign to collect Guest Reviews has been a great hit — we've acquired 44 reviews! Thanks to everyone who has donated! Campaign ends January 4th and is open to absolutely everyone! I have four more Guest Reviews to post (scheduled) but those are only the ones that I received via email. Many people only left a link on Mr. Linky — which I guess is okay and it is still appreciated. I just feel more like I'm plagiarizing then — but reviews are reviews and the more the better.

    I gained three followers this week and now have 34 amazing followers. Welcome and Thank you!

    My list of books to read/things to do during break:

    • Read "Inside Out"
    • Read "Elmer, the Christmas Elf"
    • Post all the Guest Reviews I've received for My Holiday Book Review Campaign
    • Finish "The Source of Miracles" (Review)
    • Read "Lucifer Rising" (Review)
    • Read "Comfort Living" (Review)
    • Read "I Used to Know That" (Review)
    • Read "Some Girls Are" (ARC — Goodreads Winner)
    • Read "The Van Alen Legacy" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Love You, Hate You, Miss You" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Truly, Madly: A Novel" (ARC — Goodreads Winner)
    • Read "Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Sea Change" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Jumping off Swings" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Before I Die" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Embellish" (Review)
    • Read "Gone" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Cracked Up to Be" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "How to Buy a Love of Reading" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Oh.My.Gods." (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Dark Places" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Nothing But Ghosts" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Isabelle's Boyfriend" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "The Grand Sophy" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Shelter Me" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Ransome's Honor" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Poltergeist" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Girlfriend Material" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Wicked Lovely" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "According to Jane" (Library — Momma Remmers)
    • Read "Catching Fire" (Library — Momma Remmers)

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    What did you finish this week?

  • In My Mailbox 10.16.10

    In My Mailbox 10.16.10

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course. This week I went to the Oak View Library Sale in Sioux Falls, and after hearing all of Sheila's stories at One Person's Journey Through A World Of Books I was somewhat prepared for the hot mess that was "The Sacred Library Sale." It reminded me slightly of BEA (on obviously a much smaller scale) — there were SO many people pushing and shoving for books! Used books! Books with broken spines, missing pages, and YEARS of germs all over them! It was fantastic! I think I did rather well for myself. At $2 a bag I spent $6 on a trunk full of books! I'm very excited to put them add them to my classroom or private shelves! For Review: Won:

    From the library: Purchased from the library sale:

    • "The Clique: Massie"
    • "Gossip Girl: Would I Lie to You"
    • "Notorious: An It Girl Novel"
    • "Lucas"
    • "Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel" (three copies)
    • "PS I Loathe You: A Clique Novel"
    • "Gossip Girl: You Know You Love Me"
    • "Gossip Girl: Nobody Does It Better"
    • "Perfect"
    • "Vampire Academy"
    • "The Little History of a Star"
    • "Spells and Sleeping Bags"
    • "The Au Pairs"
    • "Cut Back: Impact Zone"
    • "Princess in Waiting"**
    • "666: The Number of the Beast"
    • "The Princess Diaries"**
    • "This Lullaby"
    • "The Book Thief"
    • "L8r, G8r"
    • "What Girls Learn"
    • "Dr. Franklin's Island"
    • "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle"**
    • "Teen Idol"
    • "Hunger"
    • "Goddess Boot Camp"
    • "Donorboy"**
    • "Jason's Gold"
    • "I Was a Teenage Fairy"
    • "Princess in Love"**
    • "Tangerine"
    • "The Ransom of Mercy Carter" — I ADORED this novel when I was younger. I was going to name my daughter Mercy I loved it so much!**
    • "Frostbite: A Vampire Academy Novel"
    • "The House Next Door"
    ** — Books I read as a middle/high school student

    Before we entered the Sacred Library Sale

    After the Sacred Library Sale: Three Bags Later I'm practicing the "guilty" look I'll be giving my fiance when he gets home from work!


    • "The Bride's Book of To-Do Lists"

    What did you get in your mailbox this week?

  • In My Mailbox — Vacation Edition

    In My Mailbox — Vacation Edition

    Hello everyone! I will be skipping my In My Mailbox post this week (but I did get some amazing books!). I will post 2 weeks worth next weekend. But for now I'm getting ready to see…

    and some of these…

    and maybe even a few of these…

    because we are going on vacation to the BEACH!! Our first real vacation and we just celebrated our 4 year anniversary this past Thursday. I just finished my grad. school finals and I NEED A VACATION! Plus I can't wait to see how my daughter reacts to seeing the ocean for the first time.
    I will miss you all! I have a few posts planned just in case I can't pick up internet and I will be back late Thursday.
    Have a great week everyone!: )

    P.S.- If anyone needs to get in touch with me (for the Halloween event, questions, or if I win a huge book spectacular giveaway and only have 48 hours to respond, EEK)… contact Lisa at A Life Bound By Books at alifeboundbybooks(AT)hotmail(DOT)com.

  • In My Mailbox 7.22.09

    In My Mailbox 7.22.09

    I think I've finally discovered the appropriate meme I've been looking for!

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it click
    here . Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

    Last week I received in my mailbox three books! I am very excited!

    For Review:

    Thanks to Bostick Communications, I received a personally signed copy of "Elemental Shaman: One Man's Journey into the Heart of Humanity, Spirituality & Ecology". Thank you!


    "This fascinating true story chronicles one man's journey into the mysteries of spiritual consciousness and the indigenous healing practices of four shamanistic traditions: Toltec, Cherokee, Maya, and Buddhist.
    In his travels around the globe, Rosales witnesses the powerful channeled spirit Niño Fidencio, receives messages and healing from a Toltec shaman, and experiences a dramatic soul retrieval from a Cherokee spiritwalker. Rosales travels to Guatemala, where he meets a Mayan high priestess, or a'j' r'ij, and the secret brotherhoods called cofradias, whose mission is to guard Maximón, the last living Mayan god. Rosales's last journey is to Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, where he spends time with a holy lama."

    Again,thanks to Bostick Communications, I received a copy of "Sugar Time" by Jane Adams. Thank you!

    "What if you got one last chance at both love and success but getting one meant giving up the other? Sugar Kane hasn't created a hit TV series in years but now she's older, wiser, and ready to prove she can still deliver — unless her young, scheming assistant doesn't steal her new show out from under her. Then Sugar faces a crisis that threatens her career, her health, and the unconditional love she's finally found, long after she stopped hoping she ever would."
    I won a copy of "The Imposter's Daughter" from Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.


    "In this delightfully composed graphic novel, journalist Sandell (Glamour) illustrates a touchingly youthful story about a daughter's gushing love for her father. Using a winning mixture of straightforward comic-book illustrations with a first-person diarylike commentary, Sandell recounts the gradual realization from her young adulthood onward that her charming, larger-than-life Argentine father, bragging of war metals, degrees from prestigious universities and acquaintances with famous people, had lied egregiously to his family about his past and accomplishments. Growing up with her two younger sisters and parents first in California, then in Bronxville, N.Y., the author records signs along the way that her father, a professor of economics with a volatile temperament and autocratic manner, was hiding something, from his inexplicable trips out of town, increasing paranoid isolation, early name change from Schmidt to Sandell, to massive credit-card fraud."

    From the library:

    "Suspense and Sensibility"

    I am very much excited to read these books.

    Definitely look up Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books. She has an amazing blog and is always reading something interesting. Thank you Sheila for the book!

    Until next week — Happy Reading!

  • In My Mailbox 9.18.10

    In My Mailbox 9.18.10

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

    This week I happened to be in the school/public library with a student and out of the corner of my eye I saw a cart of books labeled: "Giveaway Books — Help Yourself."

    I almost died! I ran up there and just delved right in. While I technically got them from the library, they are mine to keep and I didn't pay for them so I figured the best category for them would be under "Won." I'm pretty excited about these finds — especially for my classroom shelves.
    For Review:

    • "The Omnivore's Dilemma"
    • "Glimmerglass"
    • "Sea Change"
    Won: These books were from my library's "giveaway shelf"
    • "Splintering"
    • "Falling From Grace"
    • "The Serious Kiss"
    • "Vampire Kisses: Dance with a Vampire"
    • "Miss Smithers"
    • "The Key to the Golden Firebird"
    • "The Dead Father's Club"
    • "Dunk"
    • "The First Part Last"
    From the library:


    What did you get in your mailbox this week?

  • In My Mailbox

    In My Mailbox

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

    This week I happened to be in the school/public library with a student and out of the corner of my eye I saw a cart of books labeled: "Giveaway Books — Help Yourself."

    I almost died! I ran up there and just delved right in. While I technically got them from the library, they are mine to keep and I didn't pay for them so I figured the best category for them would be under "Won." I'm pretty excited about these finds — especially for my classroom shelves.
    For Review: Won: These books were from my library's "giveaway shelf"

    • "Splintering"
    From the library:


    Received from Trisha:

    • "Romeo and Juliet"
    • "The Three Muskateers"

    What did you get in your mailbox this week?

  • In My Mailbox 11.14.09

    Today I am thankful for Pippin — my best friend in the entire world. The Thanksgiving Challenge.


    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

    Well, it's been a while since I've done one of these — mostly due to my lack of books coming in. And, as you'll see, I still haven't received or won another book — but I am gearing up for my three final papers — two of which will pertain to Harry Potter. So I've begun to Interlibrary loan research books. I know, it's a funny concept. But really — this is all I've got this week.

    Friendly reminder that you have ONE more day to sign up to win "Thanksgiving at the Inn!"

    For Review:


    From the library:

    • "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric"
    • "Reading Harry Potter"


    What did you find in your mailboxes this week?

    Until next week — Happy Reading!

  • In My Mailbox 9.4.10

    In My Mailbox 9.4.10

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course. I, again, made a trip to the 2nd hand book store and found some more great finds for my classroom for a few dollars.
    For Review:
    From the library:


    • "The Lovely Bones"
    • "My Sister's Keeper"

    This week I added the following books to my classroom shelves:

    • "The Lovely Bones"
    • "Need"
    • "My Sister's Keeper"
    What did you get in your mailbox this week?

  • In My Mailbox 8.29.10

    In My Mailbox 8.29.10

    I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course. I, again, made a trip to the 2nd hand book store and found some more great finds for my classroom for a few dollars.
    For Review:

    • "Running Around (and such)"
    • "Dracula in Love"
    From the library:


    • "Cut"
    • "Undead and Unemployed"
    • "The Last Song"
    • "Fang"
    • "I Am Morgan Le Fey"
    • "Silverfin"

    This week I added the following books to my classroom shelves:

    • "The Last Song"
    • "Silverfin"
    • "I Am Morgan le Fay"
    • "FANG"
    This week my students recommended to me (I know, right! How exciting!!):
    • "Pop"
    • "Firefly Lane"
    • "Death Troopers"
      What did you get in your mailbox this week?

    • In My Mailbox 11.21.09

      In My Mailbox 11.21.09

      I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it click here . Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

      So, this may, in fact, be the most books I've ever received in one week. I am gearing up to begin three final research papers. The first, for Linguistics, will be a study of the Northern Minnesota Dialect. The second, for my infamous Harry Potter class, is going to be either a character analysis of Draco Malfoy OR a comparison between HP and the story of Christ. The third, for my senior seminar on "Paradise Lost," will be a comparison between Milton's "Paradise Lost," Rowling's "Harry Potter," and Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" and the depiction of Christ and Satan in fiction. So, I've been spending most of my time in the library and have... accumulated... quite a large stack of library books. I've attached pictures for your entertainment.

      For Review:

      "Da Cajn Critter" by Pamela D. Lyles


      From the library:

      • "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric"
      • "Reading Harry Potter"
      • "Reading with the Heart: The Way Into Narnia"

      • "The Chronicles of Narnia: The patterning of a Fantastic World"
      • "The Chronicles of Narnia: Critical Interpretations"
      • "The Magician's Nephew"
      • "Harry Potter and Philosophy"
      • "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"
      • "What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7"
      • "The Psychology of Harry Potter"
      • "The Hidden Key to Harry Potter"
      • "The End of Harry Potter?"
      • "Writing Minnesotan: A Critical Analysis of Dialect and Culture in Upper Midwest Regional Literature"
      • "Linguistic Atlas of Upper Midwest: Volume 1"
      • "Linguistic Atlas of Upper Midwest: Volume 2"
      • "Linguistic Atlas of Upper Midwest: Volume 3"


      What did you find in your mailboxes this week?

      Until next week — Happy Reading!

    • In My Mailbox 9.11.10

      In My Mailbox 9.11.10

      I am "stealing" this from The Story Siren. If you want to find out more about it in my blog. Anyway, these are books I got this week at the bookstore, library, and in the mail, of course.

      This week I happened to be in the school/public library with a student and out of the corner of my eye I saw a cart of books labeled: "Giveaway Books — Help Yourself."

      I almost died! I ran up there and just delved right in. While I technically got them from the library, they are mine to keep and I didn't pay for them so I figured the best category for them would be under "Won." I'm pretty excited about these finds — especially for my classroom shelves.
      For Review: Won:

      • "Girlwood"
      • "Tell"
      • "Quiver"
      • "The Taming of the Dru"
      • "Sign of the Crescent"
      • "Zig Zag"
      From the library:
      • "Mr. Darcy, Vampyre"

      What did you get in your mailbox this week?

    Random for time: