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  • Winners and Blog News/Survey Results!

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to fill out my blog survey. First, I'll go over the feedback then announce the winners below.
    Overall, you all said you really enjoy my blog. THANK YOU! That means so much to me!

    REVIEWS — All responses were either great/average.which is wonderful to me. I sometimes struggle with reviews and, oddly enough, the more I liked a book, the harder the review is to write. I feel like I'm not doing it justice. I had some people say they wished I'd add a section to my reviews that said if I recommend the book or not, or who it would be recommended for. That is a great idea! I will start doing this. I'll try to either add (Recommended for ALL/PARANORMAL/CONTEMPORARY fans), something like that and I'll add an age range when needed.

    INTERVIEWS — Most of you enjoy my author interviews. Some said they didn't read those, which I completely understand. Typically, I add interviews when I'm giving away a book by that author. I feel it's a way to explain the book better to the readers and introduce them to the person who wrote it. I always alter the questions to fit the author/book. Sometimes they are the same questions you will see on another interview, but I try really hard to not just use the same questions over and over. I'm still trying to expand on this and come up with new post ideas for authors.

    GIVEAWAYS — Responses ranged on this question. A majority said the giveaways were great, some said average, and a few said bad. Which is fine. I wanted honest opinions. According to blogger (and this number isn't completely accurate), I've hosted around 193 giveaways. Most of the time these giveaways are made possible by the author or publisher. I try whenever possible to include International readers by giving away ebook copies. Giveaways are one of my favorite parts of blogging because it's nice to give people the chance to read a book they may not have been able to pick up. I would love to host giveaways more but it is expensive to package and ship the books. People may not realize it, but many times bloggers do pay for those things (any time it doesn't come directly from the publisher/author). I'd love to have more giveaways, open to everyone, but it just isn't possible. Even an event like Haunted Halloween costs us (Lisa and I together) about $400 for shipping and supplies alone during that 1 month.

    EXPLORING NEW YA — This was a new feature this year and I wanted to know if people liked it. The reason being because it takes an incredible amount of time to set up: ) I post it twice a month. Some people said they haven't seen it, and others said they read it, but normally don't add any of the books to their lists. Just a note, if you haven't seen the feature at all, you can click on FEATURES then EXPLORING NEW YA at the top of the blog. Lots of people said they love it and do use it for book recommendations too. I do enjoy having a place where new releases can be featured. I'm just glad most people do see it and may find some books they'll enjoy.

    MOVIE REVIEWS — This part was kinda even around the board. Some liked it, some didn't, some didn't care.: ) This is a new feature that I do think I'll have on, but only occasionally. Maybe 1-2 posts a month related to movies. I liked this idea because we all watch movies. Sometimes these movies will be related to books (like Water for Elephants). When I got the opportunity to review movies for Fox Entertainment I didn't want to pass that up. Especially since they do offer giveaways for many of these movies. This is something I'd really like to offer to readers. Plus, I really need more features on here. I know people get tired of reviews and interviews so this will give me something to break that up. Hopefully people like it!

    LEAST FAVORITE POSTS — This one had a wide range of answers but a majority picked either YA NEWS, INTERVIEWS/GUEST POSTS or IN MY MAILBOX. YA News is something I post occasionally just to highlight some things going on in the YA book world. Sometimes it's cheap books/ebooks, author news, book covers, or other bookish news. It's sort of a"misc." place to put things. I would like to make it a more enjoyable thing to read, but it all really depends on what's going on right at that time. I'll try to include more interesting things as we go along. Interviews/Guest Posts are kinda part of the norm for bloggers. I mentioned interviews above and I do want to make these posts more interesting as well. Sometimes these posts are part of a tour so they are out of my hands but I do want people to enjoy what they read. In My Mailbox will be mentioned below.

    FREE/CHEAP EBOOKS — Most of you said you do want to know about free or cheap ebooks. This is something I've had in YA News most of the time. I'm going to keep a look out for these books and hopefully post about them more frequently. For now, they will be with other YA news though. I don't find out about them enough to have a separate thing so be on the lookout for those.

    INDIE/SELF-PUBLISHED BOOKS — A majority said yes, they do read these books. I try super hard to feature these books for a few reasons. 1- the books can totally rock! Some of my all-time favorite books are self-published or from a super small publisher. 2- the authors rock! 3- the books are normally much cheaper. This is especially true if it's in ebook form. So, an awesome book for only.99 or $2.99? Yes! And 4- because these awesome books from these fabulous authors are often overlooked. I'm not someone who will ever turn down someone just because their book is self-published or from a publisher I'm unaware of. That isn't fair. Every book deserves a chance and if it's something I think I'll enjoy, I'll read it. That's the fun part of reading. You never know where your next favorite book will come from. At the same time, it really makes me happy to know that the readers enjoy these books as well. I honestly wasn't sure if people did so I'm sure this makes a lot of the authors very pleased.

    WHAT IS NEEDED? — This had a wide range of answers. CONTEMPORARY/HISTORICAL/FANTASY/MYSTERY. And this is why I loved the survey. I hadn't realized how neglected certain genre's were on here! Especially contemporary. I love contemporary books! I admit, when I first started blogging paranormal was my go-to type. Over time, I've tried to expand that a bit. This can be difficult because I'd say around 60-70% of the review books I receive are paranormal. But I will be changing this! I'm even thinking of having a contemporary week in a few months. I'm reading more and more contemp. books so you guys are in luck! I'm not a huge fan of historical and I really don't get many of those for review. Same goes for fantasy or mystery. But, I will still try to feature those books in some way. I do want to have a nice balance on here.

    WHAT IS NOT NEEDED? I didn't have a ton of answers here but PARANORMAL was a common answer.: ) Sorry guys! I do have lots and lots of paranormal. Expanding my own book preferences is a goal of mine for this year. I've been surprised in the past by the books I've liked so I think it will be nice to get out of my comfort zone.

    WHAT NEEDS IMPROVED? Some people commented here about the blog appearance. I do realize there is a font problem. I'm not sure why it's like that and my blog designer isn't sure either. It is small and usually I have to go back and resize each post (but then that throws the formatting off). This is something I plan to work on. Along with that, I hope to de-clutter a bit and change things around in the next few months. But it's good to hear from readers because I'm not sure how things show up or load for you guys. Others said NOTHING, so thank you!!: ) I'm so happy to see that many of you enjoy my blog and like coming here. I did see a comment about using more social media and YES, I need to do this badly. I'm naturally introverted. I do have twitter but rarely get on there. I lurk a lot: ) I do want to become more social on twitter and even have more conversations take place on the blog. Actually I'm working on this part right now (stay tuned for details on that!).

    FAVORITE PART OF THE BLOG — You guys had such nice answers here! Many said reviews, that I think of international followers, that I seem to care about my readers (I do, lots!), that I'm nice (*blush*). Thank you! Sometimes it's hard to know how things come off when we are just typing them out. I never want anyone to feel ignored or like I don't care about what the majority would want. Yes, I blog for myself but I enjoy it because of you guys. Honestly, I would never do this if no one read what I wrote. The enjoyment comes from knowing that maybe at least 1 person will get joy out of a book I recommend, or out of reading about a new author. That is what makes everything worthwhile.
    HOW OFTEN DO YOU COME HERE? Most said a few times a week, which is great! I know I've been slacking since October. Haunted Halloween sort of gives me a blogging hangover: ) I want to pick things back up again and I do have lots planned!

    LAYOUT — Most people said they loved it or it was average. Personality, I do love the overall look of the blog but I do plan to change things up a bit because I know it can get boring. But the design will stay the same for a while, little things may change.

    IN MY MAILBOX — I know IMM is something people either love or hate. Some people picked it as a favorite post and some suggested I stop doing it. I don't do IMM each week. I'm lucky to do it once a month.: ) So if you see a ton of books on here, that's why. I DO like to do IMM occasionally because it's a way to mention books that may otherwise not be noticed. I can't read everything I get, and I'd feel bad for getting a book that never gets viewed on my blog. IMM gives me a way to show the books where hopefully some people will see them and add them to their lists. I personally love seeing people's mailbox posts because I get a lot of good book ideas myself. Plus, it's nice to see an actual copy of the book (I'm all about book covers!). So I guess I'll be somewhere in the middle. IMM won't be something you'll see here each week, but I won't be cutting it out completely. But I did want to mention it so people know why I personally do it.

    RATING REVIEWS — Everyone said yes or that it doesn't matter. I wasn't sure if people liked this fact or not so I was glad with the results. I pay much more attention to reviews that are rated but I didn't know if people agreed with that or hated if a book was rated. This will be staying the same. I will continue to rate books and will be adding the recommendations I added above.

    Again, thank you guys so much for participating! You all had such nice comments and suggestions. Another survey will be posted in the near future related to Haunted Halloween. Lisa and I will give more information about that soon.

    Also, be on the lookout for some new features coming up!: )

    US Winner (Wins Damon.uhh, I mean Vampire Diaries season 2, UNLEASHED, and AMPLIFIED) theatredreamer@…

    INTERNATIONAL Winner ambiepie@…

    Other Winners from past giveaways

    HUSHED Ashley
    OBSIDIAN (ebook) Kristin A.

  • Crossroads Tour: Linda Joy Singleton

    Crossroads Tour: Linda Joy Singleton

    1. You have written about characters ranging from psychics, aliens, and ghosts to clones. Where did you first get your interest in the paranormal?
    When I was little I loved to watch any TV shows with magical characters; witches, ghosts, superheroes. I’ve always felt like there was more to life than what we see and was intrigued by psychics who claimed to know about the Otherside. I like to hear lots of different opinions so I can decide for myself what is possible.
    2. In the Dead Girl trilogy, Amber finds herself jumping into other bodies, what would you do if you had that ability?
    Tough questions because I’m basically a nice person who wouldn’t want to cause trouble for anyone else. But I also would love to live a lot of different experiences; to really understand other people and lifestyles. So I might jump into different bodies for quick trips, like getting in a car and taking a weekend vacation. But I’d always return to my real life and self because I like who I am.

    3. The Dead Girl trilogy has now been optioned for TV. What did it feel like when you heard the news? If it were completely up to you, who would you cast in the show?

    I was thrilled that a small production company bought the option and I hope they’ll go to the next step and make a pilot. That would be amazing! I have to be realistic, though, and accept that most options don’t go very far. Still if I could choose, I’d love for the producers to cast all unknowns (except maybe for the adult parts – it would be cool to have some major stars as parents, teachers, etc.). But when I create characters, they don’t look like anyone on TV to me. The images in my head are of unique people that I’ve created. Like Amber has curly dark hair, a pretty smile but otherwise average shape and looks, maybe a little hippy. I’d love to see who the producers would cast.

    4. The Magician’s Muse is book

    6 in The Seer series but it is out three years after book. Was there a reason for the longer wait for this book?
    Yeah, the reason was the editor and publisher felt that five books are enough. They hired me to write the DEAD GIRL trilogy and I worked on that for 2 years. I really wanted to write another SEER, though, and when I had the chance to propose one more book, I was thrilled when they agreed. So I did my best to put in mystery, murder, romance, danger, and an ending that ties up lots of plots. It’s out Oct. 1st. Then in 2011 there’s a spin-off with Thorn as a main character solving a murder mystery.
    5. What projects do you have in the works right now?
    I’m finished rewrites for a middle-grade novel then I hope to write another Thorn book. No word yet, though, if Flux will ask for another one. If they don’t, there’s a futurist book I’d like to write. I always have at least one book churning in my brain. And next year I have two essays in YA anthologies coming out, which excites me. One is a Harper non-profit book about bullying where YA authors share stories, poems, experiences, etc. The other is GIRL ON FIRE, an anthology about HUNGER GAMES with 13 YA authors writing essays on the trilogy. I’m so honored to be included in these books and can’t wait for them to come out.

    Magician's Muse by Linda Joy Singleton Publisher: Flux (October 1st, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Series: The Seer, book #6 The Final Book in Linda Joy Singleton's Popular Paranormal Series, The Seer

    A whisper, too soft to swirl wispy candle smoke, carried across time, beyond life and death—and was heard."Our bargain is sealed. My secrets will be yours-when the girl dies."

    In the thrilling climax to The Seer series, Sabine's psychic abilities, sleuthing skills, and courage are pushed to a dangerous edge as she deals with the mysterious disappearance of her ex-boyfriend Josh, a new threat against her boyfriend Dominic, evil magicians (both living and dead)—and a coldblooded murder.

    To find out more about Linda Joy Singleton Linda Joy Singleton / Blog / Goodreads / Twitter

    Purchase Magician's Muse Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository

    I will be giving away a signed copy of Magician's Muse during the tour!

  • Blog Tour: Review of Purpose by Kristie Cook

    Blog Tour: Review of Purpose by Kristie Cook

    Purpose by Kristie Cook Publisher: Ang'dora Productions (December 15th, 2010) Reading Level: 17 and up Paperback: 377 pages Series: Soul Savers, book #2 Source: Author Rating: 5 of 5 stars Lost in despair, Alexis teeters on the edge of an abyss, her lifeline of hope fraying into a thin thread. If it snaps, she’ll plunge into complete darkness. With the help of her son and her writing, she’s been able to hold on. Until now. Erratic impulses, disturbing delusions and her own demonic blood threaten her sanity. When she’s forced to choose between hanging onto hope or letting go to serve her Amadis purposes, she faces a decision with inconceivable sacrifices.

    Alexis runs to the one place she thinks will provide answers, only to find herself at the center of another battle of good versus evil, not only with the Daemoni, not only within herself… but also against the worst opponent imaginable. But even if she wins, what will she lose? Review: It's funny because I'm siting here trying to come up with adequate words for this review when really I feel like saying"hot… wow… amazing… yippy… ohh… nice… need to fan self… HOT"… You think that's good enough? For those of you who have read this book already I know you are shaking your head YES because you fully understand what I am referring to. For those of you who haven't read Purpose, please do yourself a favor and purchase a little of Tristan for Christmas. You won't be disappointed.
    I'll try to get back on track and get the sexy pictures out of my head so I can write this review. I also don't want to spoil this book for people who may not have read Promise yet… (again, read it soon!). Purpose starts out in the present-day and we learn what Alexis has been forced to deal with over the years. She is in a dark place and her emotions jump off the page. It's easy to see how badly she is suffering and Kristie did an outstanding job at depicting this dark time.
    We get a more complete look into the world of the Amadis and Daemoni. More questions are answered and the history is explained which opens up this series for what will come up next. I do have to say that I fell in love with Owen in this book and I am currently in talks with Kristie to try to have him for myself… I really am! I swear. But Owen would have to be one of my all-time favorite side characters and he came around at the perfect time.
    Purpose started off with drastically different emotions than what we experience while reading Promise; with it's hope of new love and romance. We had to get through the clouds in order to see the sun and oh wow, did the sun come out! Parts of Purpose brought tears to my eyes and other parts … "rocked me like a hurricane"… (you will know what I mean after reading the book). It was like being on a rollercoaster until the very end.
    I never thought that any other book could make my heart pound like Promise did but I was wrong. Purpose exceeded all expectations and presented a story that kept my emotions on high-alert. A true masterpiece that will appeal to all paranormal romance fans.

    So are you wanting to read it yet? If so, Kristie announced some great news yesterday.
    The Kindle edition of PROMISE is now only $4.99 and PURPOSE is only $5.99.
    Trust me, you will not be disapointed in these books and if you want more proof, check out her awesome reviews on Goodreads.

    Don't forget to check out the Re-Cover contest of Promise and Purpose. Entries must be in 12/18.

    Find Kristie Cook Kristie Cook / Promise / Goodreads
    Purchase Signed Copies of Purpose

  • Author Question #3

    Author Question #3

    3. Do you have your own blog or plan to start one? (If you have one, do you find blogging to be fun? If you don't have one, why the heck not??)

    I’ve had a blog ( since September 2004. When I first started blogging, it was this magical way to interact instantaneously with my friends (and eventually readers) and spout off about whatever weird thing I was thinking about. It was more fun, inclusive, and substantive than e-mail and chats. But now, Twitter and Facebook satisfy my urge to socialize much better than blogging does. I can have an actual conversation instead of me putting out this essay and people responding.

    I really admire authors who can blog well and do it consistently, but good blogging for me comes from the same well of creative energy as writing books does. So you can always tell when my writing is going well, because that’s when my blog gets really quiet.

    I think authors (or anyone) should only do the stuff online that they enjoy, because that — Jeri Smith-Ready

    I do have three blogs. One is on my Another is my live journal blog (Nancy Holder) and I am a member of the Simon and Schuster Pulse It! Community for teen readers. I wish I had more time to just sit and blog. I read a number of other people's blogs to wind down late at night, and I thoroughly enjoy catching up on their experiences. — Nancy Holder

    I have blogs, but not a book blog. My author blog is at and my writer blog (yes, there’s a difference, this one is for other writers) is at I would love to have a book blog but I would want to give it the time and love needed to make it as great as this one. If I did that, I’d never get another book written, which could upset a few people, including myself. — Kristie Cook

    I have had a blog since 2004. I’ve chronicled my writing career, my books, my trips to England and other far-flung places. Now I currently maintain two blogs – one for the main website and one for the UK site. Sometimes the main website content is mirrored on the UK blog, but most time the UK has a different bent. It’s quite a challenge to come up with interesting articles to post. I’m not as polished as some, but I do enjoy it. — Jana Oliver

    I tried blogging, but it doesn’t come naturally to me. While I can lose myself in writing fiction, writing a blog is, in a way, baring my soul (without the shield of fiction!) I used to write book reviews for newspapers, and when my first book came out, I found I couldn’t do it anymore. — Julie Chibbaro

    I totally have an author's blog and I love it. There's so much more to blogging than just"dear diary." A lot of work goes into it, and the potential for fun is endless. — Janenifer DeLucy

    I do indeed, at I blog about beloved books, events, and of course lots of secrets about Tell Me a Secret and Don’t Breathe a Word. One of my favorite series ever was when a bunch of YA bloggers guest posted for me on What YA Bloggers Want. It was a lot of fun to see what they said—and helpful for me as an author. Thank you for participating, Jessica! — Holly Cupala

    I blog! At I blogged for years before I got my book deal and I adore the blogging community. — Beth Revis

    Yes, I do have a blog on my website, and blogging is definitely fun! I enjoy writing about different topics that will hopefully be of interest to readers. — Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

    I do have a blog as part of my webpage, and I usually use it to make announcements and share reviews of the books that I'm reading. I'll admit that I'm not that active with it, but it's a great way to keep in contact with people and respond to news and stuff. Having it linked to Goodreads is really great because I've been lucky enough to find a lot of readers over there. — Jason Letts

    I have a blog, but it's for my shameless promoting. lol. I wish I had more time to review books on there and write other stuff. Maybe one day when my preschoolers are older. — Brenda Pandos

    * The fourth question for the bloggers will be posted tomorrow in 3 parts. USE GOOGLE if you want to know more about the blogoversary celebration.

  • Interview & Giveaway: Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess

    Interview & Giveaway: Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess

    Laura Wiess is here today to talk about her brand new book Ordinary Beauty. It was released today!

    To celebrate this wonderful book birthday, 2 copies of Ordinary Beauty are up for grabs.

    1. Your books place focus on some very heartbreaking stories. Where do those ideas come from? And is it ever emotional to write about these topics?
    Oh yes, it's always emotional. My heart is always with my main characters. When I'm writing, I see life through their eyes, and feel what they feel, which can be very frightening sometimes. My main characters are usually caught in precarious situations and trying really hard to make it through. They're the girls lost in shadows, abandoned, betrayed, in danger, the ones with problems they can't speak of, and are just struggling along under the radar, waiting, hoping for someone to notice, and care.

    The ideas for my books are usually sparked by something that catches my attention, and then provokes a passionate response in me. Meredith, from Such a Pretty Girl showed up after I'd heard a news story about a convicted sexual predator/pedophile being released early from prison and going home. I started wondering Home? Home to who? Does he have a wife? Who would stay married to a pedophile? What would it be like to be the daughter of a convicted sex offender?
    And then my character Meredith stepped out of the dark, and the book was born.

    2. Do you often hear from fans saying that your story touched them?

    Yes, and that's always both humbling and gratifying, because it means that the character's pain, struggle and triumph made it through. As a reader, I love books with characters I can really root for and angst over, so it means a lot when readers say the same. For instance, How It Ends seems to be the book that makes people cry like crazy, which is great because I cried like crazy writing it.

    3. Can you tell us a little about Sayre from Ordinary Beauty?

    Sure. The story opens when Sayre is seventeen. She grew up knowing she was a mistake, unplanned and unwanted. Her mother got pregnant at fifteen, the guy disappeared and Sayre was left to be raised by her grandmother.
    Sayre's a strong, determined girl, and a desperate one. Her mother is an addict, and Sayre has grown up in unstable and dangerous environments, neglected, seeing and being exposed to things that make life frightening, and uncertain. She craves her mother's love, but she doesn't think her mother loves her in return, and it's a question she needs answered before it's too late.
    She's a brave girl, and a hopeful one. I admire her.

    4. What do you hope young girls take from reading Ordinary Beauty?

    Well, I think everybody takes something different from a story, but what I believe comes through is that no matter how dark the circumstances, there's always a thread of hope. You can make it. Life changes and evolves every single day, whether you see it happening or not, and it can get better. It can.
    5. Do you have any other book ideas in the works?
    Oh yes, there's always another book in the works. It's still being written, so I can't say much but I will say the attraction between the main character and the guy she likes is a hot one. Love these two!

    Thanks Laura for being on my blog.

    Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess Publisher: MTV Books (June 14th, 2011) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 320 pages How can you make someone love you when they won’t?
    And what if that person happens to be your mother?
    Sayre Bellavia grew up knowing she was a mistake: unplanned and unwanted. At five months shy of eighteen, she’s become an expert in loneliness, heartache, and neglect. Her whole life she’s been cursed, used, and left behind. Swallowed a thousand tears and ignored a thousand deliberate cruelties. Sayre’s stuck by her mother through hell, tried to help her, be near her, be important to her even as her mother slipped away into a violent haze of addiction, destroying the only chance Sayre ever had for a real family.
    Now her mother is lying in a hospital bed, near death, ravaged by her own destructive behavior. And as Sayre fights her way to her mother’s bedside, she is terrified but determined to get the answer to a question no one should ever have to ask: Did my mother ever really love me? And what will Sayre do if the answer is yes?


    • 2 winners will receive a copy of Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess.

    • You must be at least 13 to enter.
    • Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
    • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
    • Contest is US Only and ends July 5th.
    • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
    • The form must be filled out to enter.

    Find Laura Wiess
    Website | Goodreads | Blog

    Purchase Ordinary Beauty
    Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository

  • Winners and News

    Winners and News

    Today I have the winners for Stand Up Against Abuse. Thank you all so much for joining me in this feature and for helping spread the word about the topic. I plan to do this again next year! I also have the winner of BlogFest 2011! Sorry for the delay in picking winners. The reason for that is listed below.: )

      • 1st place
        • SIGNED copy of Bitter End
        • Stay
        • But I Love Him
        • The Six Rules of Maybe
    and the winner is… Kat from A Journey in Reading

      • 2nd place
        • Bitter End
        • Stay
        • But I Love Him
        • The Six Rules of Maybe
    and the winner is… Patricia from Patricia's Particularity

      • 3rd place
        • Bitter End
        • But I Love Him
    and the winner is… nymfaux

    And the BlogFest winner is…

    Abigail R (abbyra@… )
    She picked a copy of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

    Big news! I'm MOVING!! We bought a house and will be moving next weekend, EEK! Pretty much the only things I have packed so far are my books. Once we are settled in, I do plan to do a big giveaway to get rid of some of my extra books. I will still be posting reviews/interviews/and other giveaways while I'm moving because those will, hopefully, be set up by next week.

    Guess what?!? I will be kicking off the DAMNED book tour on August 1st! You can see the full list of bloggers and other tour details on Nancy Holder's blog.

    You can win a copy of DAMNED on goodreads.

    And there's more!

    From Nancy's blog: We will also be hosting contests online to give away special signed copies of the limited edition “rock concert style” poster for the Damned Book Tour to several lucky winners during the months of August and September. Stay tuned for details on how to win your signed copy of the poster! One hint on how to win is to visit the blogger tour stops on the dates listed.

    You never know when a book or poster will be up for grabs.

    To really kick off Damned‘s release, we’re also giving away free copies of “Passing,” the short story that inspired the Crusade series, to anyone who pre-orders a copy of Damned.

    All you have to do to receive your electronic copy of “Passing” is to 1) pre-order Damned from any physical or online store; 2) send an email to; 3) include the word “Passing” in the Subject Line; and 4) tell us in the message of the email where you pre-ordered your copy of Damned.

    Emails must be received by August 29th to be valid.

    There is a fine line between love and sacrifice… Read the first chapter of Damned here

    And, as many of you know, it is almost time for the release of CHAIN REACTION by Simone Elkeles. I am a huge fan of this series and the book trailer was just released! I also love these book trailers! I think it's so cool that they are set up like a movie and they bring in all of the characters. CUTE!

    Be on the lookout for more about this new release coming up on the blog. I may have a very cool video to share with you all soon!

    Chain Reaction will be released August 16th.

  • The Power of Six — Pittacus Lore

    The Power of Six — Pittacus Lore

    Release Date: August 26th, 2011
    Publisher: HarperCollins
    Challenges: Off the Shelf, 100+ Reading Challenge

    "I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me... he's one of us.
    Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another... but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams? The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine? The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together? They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed. I am Number Seven. One of six still alive. And I'm ready to fight."

    A year ago today I actually reviewed "I Am Number Four " — how crazy is that! I can't believe it's already been a year!

    "The Power of Six" was a book that I had been looking forward to for months, probably since a year ago today! I loved the first book, the movie was okay, and "The Power of Six"... well, "The Power of Six" was definitely surprising. There were several times throughout this book that I couldn't help but say "Shut up!" or other such responses. I enjoyed the two different perspectives (John and Marina) but I will warn you, it is a bit confusing at first who is who. Your hint is that there are (slightly) different fonts between the two — at least in the ARC.

    I enjoyed Six and Sam even more than before although the various romances throughout the novel did get to be a bit tiresome. I just wanted something to happen — anything! But I digress...

    In all aspects, "The Power of Six" was great. I loved the characters, I loved the plot, and I fell in even more love with the history of Lorien. But for some reason, I'm just not as passionate about this novel as I thought I'd be. Again, I loved it — but I'm not racing to tell everyone about it. I think this book may be a victim of the Series Syndrome (post to come next week). With all the different series out right now (it feels like every book I'm reading is the first of a trilogy or something like that), I am finding that I adore the first book but by the time the second book comes out my overwhelming passion and love has some how subsided into this indifferent subtlety. And this makes me sad. I mean, I hate that that happens to great books and fantastic series. Does this ever happen to you?

    -Visit Pittacus around the web here: Goodreads
    -BUY THE BOOK: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes and Noble | Nook

    To the FTC, with love: ARC from Publisher and Gift from Michelle at Hooked to Books

  • Interview & Giveaway: THE VOICE by Janenifer Anne Davis

    Interview & Giveaway: THE VOICE by Janenifer Anne Davis

    Today I'm featuring Janenifer Anne Davis and her book, The Voice. As some of you may have seen, I highlighted this book as one of my very few 5 star indie/small press books that I've read recently. This book was truly amazing and I look forward to reading more from Janenifer.

    She was kind enough to offer up a few copies of the book for my readers! Be sure to sign up for a chance to win.

    I'd also suggest you check out the except of chapter 1 below.

    1.The story in THE VOICE is so unique. What was the initial inspiration for it and the character of Audrey?

    In all honesty, the story hits quite close to home. Growing up, one of my best friends was sexually abused by her uncle. Nothing ever came of it—she was too afraid to say anything. Also, in high school, someone near and dear to me was date raped. She was also too afraid to say anything and somehow felt like she deserved it. When I taught high school, one of my students went to a party and got drunk. When she woke up, her pants were off and three boys were in the room. She came to me crying, having no idea if she’d had sex or not. We went and spoke to a guidance counselor, but again, nothing ever came of it because she was too afraid to name names and implicate anyone. After this incident, I was so mad that these girls couldn’t find their own inner voice and stand up for themselves. That they were too afraid of what others might think of them so they let these guys get away with it. I wanted to write a book that empowered girls to take a stand and speak out!

    2. If you had to describe Caleb and Justin in one word each, what would it be?

    Oooh, that’s a hard one! Caleb = adorable, Justin = quiet.

    3. This story involves the very serious topic of kidnapping. Was it emotional for you to write the story?

    It was! The story is told from the first person so I had to put myself in Audrey’s position in order to write it. I had to go to a very dark place, one I hope never to revisit. Originally, I had a reoccurring vision of a girl trapped in a dog crate in a cabin. Her guardian angel came to save her. However, when I started actually writing the book, this didn’t work. The idea of guardian angels had already been done and I wanted to do something different. So the story transformed into what it is today!

    4. Can you tell us what you have coming up? And, if this story will be continued?

    I left Audrey’s story open so if I ever want to write a sequel, I can. As of right now, I don’t plan to continue her story. It was difficult to write and now that I have three kids of my own, I’m not sure I can revisit the subject matter. I do, however, have a three book deal with a publisher. Here’s the official blurb I’m allowed to share: “Forthcoming title news! Coming 2014, Janenifer Anne Davis' follow up novel titled, THE KEY, in a three book deal, about the return of the sole surviving heir, mistakenly left alive after the entire royal family was massacred seventeen years ago, when the kingdom fell.” It’s really a medieval story with lots of romance and sword fights. I LOVE this story and can’t wait to share it with you!! I also have something else, but I can’t say anything about it right now (and it’s killing me to keep it quiet)!!

    5. Would you like to share an excerpt, or a few favorite lines from the story?

    Here’s the first chapter:

    The Voice Jennifer Anne Davis Copyright 2013 Chap ter 1
    Lying in the dark cabin, I tried not to think about the foul smell of body odor mixed with the stench of urine. I tried not to think about how hungry I was, or when I would eat again. About the plastic zip ties cutting into my wrists, or the spider crawling up my arm. I kept trying and failing. There was nothing to do but think.
    Audrey? he spoke in my mind.
    “Here,” I replied, still not understanding who or what the voicewas, hoping I wasn’t going crazy. Though, after what I had been through, crazy wasn’t too far off. Instead, I focused on what the voicewas saying. After weeks of being stuck here, he was the only thing keeping me grounded and giving me hope.
    I need you to do something for me.
    He sounded drained. “Are you okay?” I asked.
    I need you to scream as loud as you can. Now, Audrey! Scream!
    Bill had left the cabin only five minutes earlier, and I was afraid to make any noise. What if he was still outside and heard me? Would he come back in? I was so sore and bruised that I couldn’t handle anymore.
    Scream! he urged.
    Finally trusting the voice, I sucked in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and screamed as loud as I could. At first I sounded like a cat that was being strangled, the sound barely audible and grating on my ears. But I kept trying, and the noise transformed into something loud and fierce. Yell the word “help.”
    “HELP!” My throat was raw, but that didn’t stop me. I took all of my hurt and anger, and used those emotions for the energy needed to sustain the scream.
    Then a thumping came from the other room—maybe the front door. My body shuddered. Shimmying to the edge of the mattress, I tried to stand, but my legs gave out, and I fell to the rough, wooden floor, landing on my knees. With bound hands, I inched my way to the corner of the room, as far away from the door as possible.
    Keep screaming!
    I wanted to curl into a ball and disappear, but I did what the voicesaid and let out a shrill, loud cry for help. The sound bounced off the walls, echoing.
    Wood shattered in the other room. I kept yelling, wishing that I had the power to destroy Bill with my scream.
    The doorknob twisted. Please don’t hurt me again.. please don’t touch me.. no more, please. No more.
    The door exploded open. Instead of Bill, there stood three hunters dressed in camouflage and bright orange vests. One held a shotgun, and another held an axe. I froze in horror. The men looked at one another and then back at me.
    Audrey, tell them who you are. Your name.
    “I’m Audrey Marshall. Please help me.”
    “The kidnapped girl?” the older guy on the right asked. I nodded. “I’m calling 9-1-1. You’re going to be all right now,” he said reassuringly, his cell phone already at his ear.
    “Thank you,” I whispered to the voice. But he didn’t respond.

    The Voice by Janenifer Anne Davis
    Published: Lands Atlantic (January 29th, 2013)
    Reading Level: YA/NA
    Paperback: 288 pages
    During her abduction and assault, Audrey begins to hear a voice. She hopes she's not going crazy, because after what she's experienced, that's the most logical explanation. However, as she begins to listen to the voice, Audrey realizes that someone may be telepathically trying to help her.

    Unfortunately, rescue isn't all she needs. In order to leave behind the constant reminders, she flees to her Aunt Kate's house in San Diego, and assumes a new identity. It works until the eighteen-year-old twin boys who live next door threaten to break through the protective walls she's worked so hard to build.
    Between Caleb going out of his way to befriend her and Justin avoiding her at all costs, Audrey doesn't know if normalcy will ever find her again. But one thing is certain: When a familiar danger resurfaces, it's the same voice that she turns to — a voice that is not only real, but a lot closer than she realizes.
    Gripping and tastefully told, The Voice is a story of healing, trust, and courage.

    3 winners will receive an ebook copy of THE VOICE by Janenifer Anne Davis.


    • You must be at least 13 to enter.
    • Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
    • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
    • Contest is International and ends June 20th.
    • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
    • The form must be filled out to enter.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

    Amazon | Barnes & Noble

  • Interview & Giveaway: Eden by Keary Taylor

    Interview & Giveaway: Eden by Keary Taylor

    The wonderful Keary Taylor is here to share with us some news about her book Eden, the bind-up of her Fall of Angels series, and her newest book being released soon!

    She has also offered up a copy of Eden for one lucky winner!

    1. You've had some fabulous news lately. Would you like to share that with everyone and tell us what your first reaction was after you heard?

    So, that fabulous news is that KK&P has acquired the film rights to my dystopian EDEN! Mark Morgan, who produced The Twilight Saga is the producer as well as Kami Garcia, co-author of the Beautiful Creatures series! It was amazing to hear from them and that they loved Eden! It all just didn't feel real when they first contacted me and said they wanted it! I kept waiting for someone to say"Just Kidding!", lol! It's all an amazing time, and I couldn't be happier with how things have been progressing toward the big screen!

    2. Your Fall of Angels series has been very popular and is now available as a bind-up of the entire trilogy. What do you think was the biggest key to your success?

    Oh man, honestly I don't really know! I want to say it's because I've written a fantastic story, but really it's my readers who have to say that! I think I just published at a great time, e-readers have gone crazy and the genre I write in is huge right now. And I just have some really fantastic readers who are incredibly supportive.

    3. Your new book What I Didn't Say is very different from your previous novels. Can you tell us a bit about the book and the characters Jake, and Samantha?

    It really is a lot different for me. I'll be honest, when I got the idea for it, I was terrified to actually write it. It's a YA contemporary that's based on a boy who becomes mute after an accident. It's a story that has to be handled very carefully because it is based on a lot of real experiences and stories, many of them my own. It's also different for me considering it's told from the point of view of a 17 year-old boy, Jake Hayes. He's a really great kid who has a lot of amazing support around him during this difficult time, and Samantha Shay is a part of that. Maybe after all that's happened to him he'll have the guts to tell her what he didn't say before the accident; )
    4. Do you have any other projects you are currently working on?
    How do I answer this… umm… maybe? Haha. I have a few things that are really up in the air right now, depending on how things play out. I'm afraid I can't say anything more that than. How's that for cryptic? But I do have an idea for a YA science fiction I hope to start on once I finish What I Didn't Say. Not dystopian, but very hard core sci-fi. Think along the lines of The Matrix. I am beyond excited to start on it! As of right now I'm thinking it will be a trilogy.

    Eden by Keary Taylor Published: June 6th, 2011 Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 408 pages Eve knew the stories of the Fall, of a time before she wandered into the colony of Eden, unable to recall anything but her name. She's seen the aftermath of the technology that infused human DNA with cybernetic matter, able to grow new organs and limbs, how it evolved out of control. The machine took over and the soul vanished. A world quickly losing its humanity isn't just a story to her though. At eighteen, this world is Eve's reality.

    In their Fallen world, love feels like a selfish luxury, but not understanding what it is makes it difficult to choose between West, who makes her feel alive but keeps too many secrets, and Avian, who has always been there for her, but is seven years her senior.

    The technology wants to spread and it won't stop until there is no new flesh to assimilate. With only two percent of the human population left, mankind is on the brink of extinction. While fighting to keep Eden alive, Eve will discover that being human is about what you will do for those you love, not what your insides may be made of. And even if it gets you killed, love is always what separates them from the Fallen.

    Fall of Angels: The Complete Trilogy by Keary Taylor Published: November 29th, 2011 Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 752 pages Plagued by nightmares of angels all her life, but left with the scars to prove they’re more than dreams, Jessica has hidden herself away from the world on the shores of Lake Samish, Washington. But when caring but almost too-perfect-to-be-true Alex, and beautiful yet terrifying Cole enter her life, everything about Jessica’s world is about to change. She’ll learn that the angels aren’t content to stay in her dreams any longer and they’ll do anything to drag her into their world. The lines between right and wrong will be blurred as she fights to cling to the life she’s built and the love she’ll find.


    • 1 winner will receive a copy of EDEN.
    • You must be at least 13 to enter.
    • Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
    • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
    • Contest is US Only and ends March 7th.
    • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
    • The form must be filled out to enter.

    Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook

    Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository

  • The Postmistress

    The Postmistress

    "It is 1940. France has fallen. Bombs are dropping on London. And President Roosevelt is promising he won't send our boys to fight in "foreign wars."

    But American radio gal Frankie Bard, the first woman to report from the Blitz in London, wants nothing more than to bring the war home. Frankie's radio dispatches crackle across the Atlantic ocean, imploring listeners to pay attention--as the Nazis bomb London nightly, and Jewish refugees stream across Europe. Frankie is convinced that if she can just get the right story, it will wake Americans to action and they will join the fight.

    Meanwhile, in Franklin, Massachusetts, a small town on Cape Cod, Iris James hears Frankie's broadcasts and knows that it is only a matter of time before the war arrives on Franklin's shores. In charge of the town's mail, Iris believes that her job is to deliver and keep people's secrets, passing along the news that letters carry. And one secret she keeps are her feelings for Harry Vale, the town mechanic, who inspects the ocean daily, searching in vain for German U-boats he is certain will come. Two single people in midlife, Iris and Harry long ago gave up hope of ever being in love, yet they find themselves unexpectedly drawn toward each other.

    Listening to Frankie as well are Will and Emma Fitch, the town's doctor and his new wife, both trying to escape a fragile childhood and forge a brighter future. When Will follow's Frankie's siren call into the war, Emma's worst fears are realized. Promising to return in six months, Will goes to London to offer his help, and the lives of the three women entwine.

    Alternating between an America still cocooned in its inability to grasp the danger at hand and a Europe being torn apart by war, The Postmistress gives us two women who find themselves unable to deliver the news, and a third woman desperately waiting for news yet afraid to hear it. "

    I really wanted to love this novel. Upon opening it and reading the introduction (see Favorite Quotes), I immediately fell in love with the language and the idea of the novel.

    Unfortunately, no matter what I did, I could not connect to the plot or characters. As a result, I was unable to finish this book. Reading became a chore and I found that I was picking up other books to read instead. I did stick to my Review Policy and made it through 100 pages — but I just couldn't go on. I think this has a lot to do with my inability to connect with the story, plot, or characters.

    Again, I feel awful because I was so prepared to fall in love with this book. I've heard wonderful reviews! It could be because of where I'm at in my life; what with student teaching and "having" to read books that I don't choose to (such as "All Quiet on the Western Front" etc), maybe I'm just looking for something lighter and more Young Adult-ish. Because of this possibility, I'll be keeping "The Postmistress" for my bookshelves until at a later time I can pick the book up again and see if I missed the excitement due to where my life it.

    I do want to say a big thanks to Lydia at Putnam books for sending this wonderful ARC. I apologize for not being able to finish it.

    Favorite Quotes:
    "Long ago, I believed that, given a choice, people would turn to good as they would to the light. I believed that reporting — honest, unflinching pictures of the truth — could be a beacon to lead us to demand that wrongs be righted, injustices punished, and the weak and the innocent cared for" (3).
    "Every story — love or war — is a story about looking left when we should have been looking right" (3).

    To the FTC, with love — this was a review copy.

  • Thanksgiving at the Inn — Tim Whitney

    Thanksgiving at the Inn — Tim Whitney

    Happy Thanksgiving! — I wanted to have a unique review for this special day, and thanks to Bancroft Press I have the perfect book! I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving!


    "Ever since his mother left, life has't been easy for Heath Wellington III. Between his father's (Junior's) bouts with alcoholism and literary rejection, and Heath's own wrongful suspension from school, there hasn't been all that much to be thankful for.
    But following the tragic death of estranged grandfather Senior, father and son alike stand to inherit a life-changing fortune... with one catch. Heath and Junior must spend the next three months managing Senior's bed and breakfast, located in the same Massachusetts home Junior has spent the last eight years trying to escape. Upended from his everyday life and relocated to a town where everyone knew and loved the grandfather he can't even remember, Heath finds an inn full of some of the strangest people he's ever met, such as: * Winsted, the old, wise Jamaican man who used to lead the prayers in Senior s factory; * Mrs. Farrel, an elderly woman giving away her late husband's fortune letter by letter; * Mustang Sally, the muscle-bound, tattooed grease monkey who doubles as a children's author; * And Carter, the silent TV news junkie and secret Harvard graduate. And, at a nearby school is Savannah, Junior's first love, and her adorable, autistic daughter, Tori. But most of all, there's Junior himself, vinegar to Heath's oil. As Heath adjusts to his new world, what he needs most is to start anew with his father, to understand that Junior, too, is dealing with loss, and to realize that, even in the most tragic of times, there's a lot in life to be thankful for." This story is unlike any that I have ever read. It's a remarkable story about coming together as a family and recognizing what you need to be thankful for — but... without the cheese. Sometimes stories like this lay on the cheese and it gets to be a bit... annoying really. There are certain situations that could potentially have some cheese, but Time Whitney definitely writes with ease and make the situation believable and flawless (without the cheese). This is something I (and my students) appreciate. Thank you Tim!
    But anyway... I am so glad that Bancroft Press sent me three copies. I will definitely be keeping one for my classroom and I am so happy to have sent two other copies on. This is such a beautiful holiday read — and a quick read too! There aren't a lot of books out there about Thanksgiving, so I'm extremely happy to add this book to my holiday bookshelf (yes, it exists).
    The tenenants that you will meet when reading "Thanksgiving at the Inn" may be the best part of the book. Be prepared.:) I think my favorite was Sally — a tattooed biker/loving children's artist. His part of the book is... it's just phenomonal.
    I very much highly recommend this book. Thanks again to Bancroft Press who sent it to me.
    Favorite quote: "Sometimes life isn't fair, but it's what you do with your life that defines you" — Sally

  • Sunday Salon 11.6.11

    Sunday Salon 11.6.11

    This week I sort of lost my great pacing of last week, but to my credit it wasn't entirely my fault. I blame Amazon. I finished a great novel last Sunday ("The Pledge") and then figured I should wait until "Crossed"comes in the mail as I preordered it so that the book that I would have started didn't get neglected.

    Did that make sense?

    Well, I waited and waited and "Crossed" didn't come and I didn't start anything new. And then, on Thursday, my life changed. I received a copy of "Pandemonium!" So, needless to say, I'm pretty sure "Crossed" is in my mailbox but I have yet to go check. What I thought would happen, did happen! But with a different book and a different circumstance.

    Since I don't have a lot of book news to talk about, I thought I'd sum up the rest of my life as it is currently being led. This week and last week my life has changed quite a bit (no, I'm not pregnant). First of all, I decided to coach hockey this year. It will be my first year coaching but I grew up playing the sport and feel like I'm ready to get back on the ice. I'm just coaching 10U girls, so nothing too competitive or over the top (so I need to keep reminding myself not to take it that far haha).

    I'm also registering for my first grad classes that begin in January and, due to the cost of higher education and the class load, I'm beginning to freak out.

    And then there is NaNoWriMo. I was so excited to participate this year. I got about ten kids to join a club at school and we all set our own word goals (mine was 30,000). I knew that I wouldn't have a lot of time to write during the week so I planned "write-a-thon" parties at the public library with my students during the weekend. So, confession time, yesterday was the first time I sat down to work on my WIP. I know, I'm a complete slacker. Then I got frustrated with my WIP because it wasn't going anywhere (probably due to my lack of preparation). So today, I'm meeting my students in an hour, I'm filing that WIP away and taking out an older one that I feel like I have a better idea of its direction. So we'll see how that goes. I'm loving reading everyone else's progress and reading the Twitter feeds of all the committed participants. I think my biggest struggle is the number one rule of NaNoWriMo, throw away your inner editor. It's extremely difficult. So my personal NaNoWriMo perspective is to use this time to write more and hopefully create a habit that will be possible the other eleven months of the year.

    I feel like my life has changed due to added commitments so much in the last few weeks. I'm so excited to begin all of these new life endeavors.

    Now, if only it would snow.:)

    Happy Sunday everybody!

  • Cover Love and YA News

    Cover Love and YA News

    The cover of Destined, House of Night book 9, was just released and oh la la, HOTNESS! I am still a fan of this series and even Heath (who is on this cover). I mean c'mon, he's HOT! This series lost me somewhere around the middle but don't give up! It does get better (in my opinion) so if you are thinking of picking these books back up, do it!

    Destined (House of Night #9) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast Publisher: St. Martin's Press (October 25th, 2011) Hardcover: 336 pages Add it on Goodreads
    In Destined, the forces of Light and Dark collide as their epic struggle focuses on Tulsa's House of Night. Zoey is home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side and preparing to face off against Neferet. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, he and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together if Rephaim can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow.

    But is Zoey really safe? Does she truly know those who are closest to her? And will love win when it is tested by the very soul of Darkness? Find out what s destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

    Here is the cover for A Beautiful Evil, book 2 in the Gods & Monsters series by Kelly Keaton. Very spooky!

    A Beautiful Evil by Kelly Keaton Publisher: Simon Pulse (February 21st, 2012) Hardcover: 320 pages Add it to Goodreads
    A power she can’t deny. A destiny she’s determined to fight.

    When Ari first arrived in the dilapidated city of New 2, all she wanted was to figure out who she was. But what she discovered was beyond her worst nightmare. Ari can already sense the evil growing inside her—a power the goddess Athena will stop at nothing to possess.

    Desperate to hold on to her humanity and protect her loved ones, Ari must fight back. But Athena’s playing mind games, not just with Ari but with those she cares about most. And Athena has a very special plan for the brooding and sexy Sebastian.

    Ari is determined to defeat Athena, but time is running out. With no other options, Ari must unleash the very thing she’s afraid of: herself.

    And a section of this post I will title "Book I Just Want to Talk About 'Cause it Sounds Amazing"!
    I picked up, and finished, Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles on Tuesday and Wow, it is awesome! The Perfect Chemistry series is one of my all-time favorites! I realized that I love that type of love story. When I went looking for more like it, I discovered KISS CRUSH COLLIDE by Christina Meredith. First, let's check out the cover.

    *fans self* loveeee it! And now, the summary.
    Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith Publisher: Greenwillow Books (December 27th, 2011) Hardcover: 336 pages Add it to Goodreads Leah has the life most high school girls would kill for—popularity, glowing grades, a rich, athletic boyfriend. So why does she feel like she can’t breathe? And why can’t she stop thinking about the boy from the country club? The one who isn’t her boyfriend, the one that her mother would never, ever approve of, the one that her perfect older sisters would never, ever look at twice. The one who is always looking back at her. Irresistible attraction, smoldering glances, the bad boy and the good girl—Kiss Crush Collide has everything that a steamy forbidden romance should, and then some.

    With graceful and honest writing and an electric love story, this is a book about growing into your own skin. For fans of Perfect Chemistry ( <---THAT'S ME!), Sarah Dessen ( <--- THAT'S ME TOO!), and John Green (<--Haven't read anything by him yet).
    Gotta love a good forbidden romance! So how many of you want to get your hands on this book???

    Bookperk News

    You all probably know I'm a huge fan of the Bookperk site from HarperCollins. I've purchased a signed (by the movie cast) version of I Am Number Four and a signed copy of Guy Fieri's cookbook from them already. They add new offers all the time and I just wanted to mention a few of the new ones.

    You can USE GOOGLE to see the current deals going on. If you haven't signed up, you can use that link as well. It's good to at least be signed up because amazing deals pop up all the time and sometimes they have very limited quantities.

  • Back to the Basics

    Back to the Basics

    Welcome to the Back to the Basics class! If you missed a previous class, here are the links:

    • Insert an HTML direct link to your blog into comments
    • Comment Etiquette
    This week I'd like to address the wonder that is Twitter. Yes, Twitter. We've all heard the news reporters quote Twitter and we know all about Snooki's bad Twitter grammar. Oh, wait, you haven't heard of that? Well, for your enjoyment and my pure amusement — here you go:

    Okay... back to the point. Many people would have you believe that Twitter is very much like Facebook's status updates where you can type what you are doing in 140 characters or less. The reality of Twitter, and I think that those who use it religiously would agree, is that it is much more of a message service (like MSN Messeneger, AIM, or Yahoo Messenger) where you can communicate with hundreds of people who have the same interests as you. For instance, I follow all my favorite blog reviewers, authors, publishers, etc on Twitter. It's also a great marketing tool (again, here's a for instance, all of my posts are automatically fed to my Twitter account with a link and the title). In my opinion, as all of these classes are, Twitter is a great tool to "put yourself out there" and get involved in the book blogging community.

    I am currently following 514 people on Twitter — most are book bloggers, many are authors, and the rest my favorite publishers and agents. Because I live in the Midwest and the Twitter craze hasn't exactly caught on yet — my Twitter account is solely for books and blogging. Does that mean I don't send random "tweets" (I hate that word) about my life or the wedding? No, but the primary focus is books and marketing.

    If you don't use Twitter (again, to each their own) I think you're missing out on a lot. By "tweeting" back and forth with different authors and reviewers your begin to build relationships that you don't necessarily get from commenting on a post. The response is obviously quicker and you can have more in-depth conversations, despite the character limit. I have received books from authors, publishers, and other reviewers because of Twitter. I've been more aware of what is happening in the book blogosphere because of Twitter. Sheila and I were also the one of the few who attended the first debut author get together at BEA last year due to a quick tweet from Shannon Delany (author of "13 to Life ")! We had the opportunity to talk to so many authors one on one! It was fantastic!

    Yes, I'll admit it: I've become addicted to Twitter! I love the conversations, the ability to "stick my nose" in other people's business, to find out the latest bookish news, to connect with bloggers I read consistently, to connect with authors I love... etc. But there's also the business/marketing side to Twitter that is extremely beneficial to blogging.

    First of all, before I forget — quick plug to "follow" me on Twitter via @google, send me a quick tweet by putting "@google" at the beginning and mention that you read this post so I can follow you back!

    If you've bought into the concept of Twitter, after you've signed up and installed the Twitter app to your desktop for easy and consistent viewing, find a Twitter Button to add to your blog. Mine can be found in the right sidebar. Then, if you really want to go all out, add your Twitter updates as well (again, mine are posted on the right sidebar).

    This next part is vital and one of the best parts about Twitter: synch your blog feed to Twitter. Meaning, every time you post (even if it is a scheduled post and you aren't at your computer), the title and link to your post will be automatically tweeted to all your followers. This is a great way to get yourself out there even if you, like most people, are at work or school during the day and can't be on Twitter to get your link out there. I use (and LOVE) Twitterfeed. Another great service that I've used in the past is Google's FeedBurner. Both services are free and easy to use and, like I mentioned, can do wonders for marketing your posts and blog.

    You can also synch your Goodreads account to Twitter so that every time your rate, review, or mark to read a book it posts to Twitter automatically as well. You can do this by going into "My Account" and then into "Feeds." Again, this is a simple but extremely effective way to market yourself and your product (blog, reviews, posts, etc).

    The next step (if anyone is still reading) is to go out and begin following people. Don't know where to start? Who to follow? Here are a few of my favorite "Tweeters" (link goes to Twitter page):

    • @BookaliciousPam from Bookalicious
    • @BookJourney from Book Journey
    • @MichelleBall from Hooked To Books
    • @GReadsBooks from GReads
    • @brokeandbookish from Broke and Bookish
    • @thestorysiren from The Story Siren
    • @shanynlee from Chick Loves Lit
    • @booksandwine from Good Books and Good Wine
    There are also quite a few fantastic authors on Twitter who you can @ when reviewing or talking about their novels. It's easy to search Twitter to find your favorite author but a few of mine are:
    • Shannon Delany — author of "13 to Life "
    • Lauren Oliver — author of "Before I Fall " and "Delirium "
    • Julie Kagawa — author of "The Iron King "
    • Denise Jaden — author of "Losing Faith "
    Make sure when you follow someone to send them a public tweet (put @ in front of their Twitter name — ex: @google) and say a quick hello and introduce yourself. If you don't respond to their tweets with "your own two cents," they won't know you are there! Twitter is the place where jumping into conversations isn't rude, putting your opinion out there isn't presumptuous, and linking your blog consistently isn't spam (always in moderation people). Give it a try! I was a skeptic before and am now addicted to all things Twitter. If you make an account or already have an account, link it below (please link to your Twitter profile — not your blog).

    As always, if you have a question please leave it below!

  • Share a Story: Literacy 2.0

    Share a Story: Literacy 2.0

    A few weeks ago I was asked by Danielle at There's a Book to participate in Share a Story, Shape a Future about technology in my classroom. Despite being addicted to technology at home, I am not able to use loads of technology in my classroom.

    Unlike all the pictures in newspapers and magazines would have you believe, not every student at school has a computer. I teach at a AA school (in South Dakota AA is as big as it gets) that is growing at a fast rate. But our school only has ONE computer lab that all of the High School teachers compete for. In my six prep period day five of those preps (or classes I teach) are English 9. And while it would be possible to have each class do something different, it would be a lot more work on my part to remember what I told each class the day before and where each class was. The point of that brief explanation is that it is near impossible for me to find a day that all five of my English 9 classes could get into the computer lab.

    An example of how hard it is to get into the lab: A colleague of mine who was trying to plan for her maternity leave substitute last October was unable schedule a lab day for March. And with the supposed 10% Education Cut that the South Dakota Legislature is considering (and voting on this week) there is no way to even ask about getting more computers. This is a fantastic school district with supportive parents and the over all community; you wouldn't know that we are lacking in technology by looking at us.

    So do we do a lot of writing? Sadly, no. Do we do a lot of research? Sadly, no. Oh yes, I could have my students write out three pages of content but the fact of the matter is I would never be able to read it. So what do we do in my classroom? We spend a lot of time reading. Reading doesn't require computers and we have an abundance of books in our School/Public library (which I love! It's open until 8 every day except Sunday!). To bring in technology I did have students write reviews of both of their required reads for each quarter on Shelfari. Unfortunately, the students hated it! Surprisingly, the students hate when I try to bring technology into my classroom. I pushed back until Shelfari and Amazon teamed up and I had several parents calling me about their concerns; so I gave in and said they didn't have to do it.

    I created a Facebook page for my class and told them that I'd update it every day with reminders of homework and tests and even offer extra credit for answering a question (content related) on FB. I thought it would be a great resource (that's what all the books and sites say) for students to "like" the page and then have the updates posted to their News Feed. I know they all have Facebook on their phones and check it a million times a day. Did it work? No! I have 5 "likes"!

    Granted, I have freshmen. A colleague of mine who has an iPad uses it on a daily basis with his juniors and now he has three juniors who went out and bought one. He has since put all of his text into PDF format and are available for download. I am so jealous! If I did that my students would look at me like, "Really, Miss Remmers. You're a nerd." I have no problem being a nerd, but I don't have the time to integrate all this technology into my lessons if the students refuse to utilize it.

    I do have a Smart Board and I love it. But I've never been trained properly on how to use it. Right now, it's basically a glorified projection screen. What a waste of resources. Now granted, I'm trying to learn something new everyday — but I feel like there is so much that this board is capable of and I'm not even tipping the surface!

    Basically, technology is lacking my classroom for two reasons: time and money. With our standardized tests scores lower than normal teachers are expected to accomplish much more. I have attended three different workshops (all taking me out of the classroom and thus having to prepare for a sub which is extremely tedious), our school has dropped DEAR and have implemented TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) where everyone in the whole school reads the same book before lunch in different classes. The English Department is in charge of finding the book, reading the book before hand, creating power points for teachers to use in the classroom relating to the content. I am in full support of this change, but the fact of the matter is that it's become a whole other class that I have to prepare for. And, the lessons I create for the book that the whole school is reading need to be applicable for 9-12th graders. It's a lot of work on top of looking at our study guide and test questions to "Bloom" them up to challenge the students more and add rigor into the classroom. Plus, you know, teachers have lives too.

    Then the money part. I don't even know where to start. Basically the short story: our governor wants to cut Education funds by 10%. With a cut like that people will lose jobs, schools will lose technology (rather than gain it), teachers will be stretched even more thin, and the list goes on. The real long term result of a cut like that will be the degradation of the education for tomorrow's leaders. It's that simple. Teachers aren't super human. We can't do it all. We can't teach to the test so the below basic and basic students can be proficient while adding rigor and challenging the students who "get it" if we don't have the time and the money. And if we can't do that we certainly can't be concerned about technology in the classroom. Yes, I'd like to believe that I can do it all. But when you look at the time of a day, just surviving is hard — much less all these added expectations without the foundation of time and money.

    Who knows, maybe this summer I'll be able to conquer it all.

    All of these thoughts are my own and not that of my school's administration or the district. I'm simply stating the facts — no matter how grim.

  • Teacher's Review: To Kill a Mockingbird — Harper Lee

    Teacher's Review: To Kill a Mockingbird — Harper Lee


    "A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel—a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with rich humor and unswerving honesty the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence, and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina and quiet heroism of one man's struggle for justice—but the weight of history will only tolerate so much. "

    Why I read this: I had to teach it so I guessed I had better read it.

    Plot: The plot of this timeless classic, I'll admit, starts slow. My students struggled with "TKM" in the beginning; I attempted to read it several times over the summer after returning from BEA. Finally, I inter-library loaned the audio and finally I was able to get into it. Because of this, my English 9 classes listened to the entire first half of the book in class. While maybe not ideal, I think they were more able to relate to it and "get into" the novel.

    Finally, towards the end of the novel, the plot picked up and my students didn't struggle as much. About this point I had a hard time getting my students to actually STOP reading so that the rest of the class could catch up and everyone would be on the same page.

    Characters: Next time I teach "TKM," I will make a bookmark for my students with all the character information — many of them seemed to struggle with the characters and keeping them straight. I think my students liked Scout and Jem, but I think Atticus' character completely went over their heads because he wasn't the narrator or (seemingly) the protagonist. I don't think any of them realized the gravity of his decisions and actions.

    Cover: The cover on the book that our school distributes could use some updating, I think the cover alone gives kids the wrong impression of this book.

    Final Thoughts: Surprisingly, my two of my five classes hated "TKM." No matter what I did they refused to even have a classroom discussion about the novel. Even when I brought outside information in, they just refused to realize how timeless this novel is (there had been a robbery in Sioux Falls the week we finished "TKM." Three suspects tied a man up in his house and taped his mouth shut but did not blindfold him. When describing the suspects all the news broadcasters said were "three black men." The discussion was based on the fact that identifying the suspects as "black" and "men" gave the area really no important descriptions, such as height, weight, build, facial hair, tattoos, etc. As a result, any "black man" in the area was now (metaphorically) a mockingbird). I was extremely proud of the possibilities of this discussion, but in the end it failed horribly with these two classes). These two classes refused to even respect the fact that it was a "classic" and in it's 50th year of publication — talk about aggrivating!

    However, the other three classes (towards the end of the novel) loved it. We not only had the aforementioned discussion, but many other discussions that they had come up with on their own. They were the students I had to slow down in order to finish the book as a class! I loved these classes and how surprised they were that a classic could be, oh I don't know, good reading! It was a fun experience to have such great classes who were willing to "hang in there" and enjoy a scholarly activity.

    Originality: 10/10
    Ending: 10/10
    Characters: 8/10
    Plot: 8/10
    My reaction/enjoyment: 7/10
    Theme: 9/10
    Imagery: 10/10
    Setting: 5/5
    Voice: 5/5
    Style: 4/5
    Tone: 4/5
    Cover: 5/10
    Overall: 85/100 B

    To the FTC, with love: Received at BEA 2010 and through the Library/School

  • Guest Post: Caroline A. Shearer

    Guest Post: Caroline A. Shearer

    For years, I was attracted to men with a bit of an “edge,” men who were nice enough but had that mysterious, almost dangerous element lurking right below the surface. To be involved with someone like this was very exciting to me — the thrill was a rush!
    I think it is these same tendencies that make so many of us gravitate toward darker books, the kind that makes up most paranormal reading out today. We like to “be good” in our own lives, while getting a momentary rush from being in a darker, more mysterious, more exciting world.
    And that is certainly ok! We should go wherever we resonate — “like attracts like” is not just a catchy line; it’s an actual physics concept that determines our entire reality! But, in my experience, the constant stream of “personal growth” that came about because of my inclinations made me first, recognize my inner light, and secondly, choose to honor it.
    I asked myself some hard questions: Why do I need someone else to generate my excitement? If I’m not excited with my life, then that is something *I* need to change. Secondly, if I want to be truly happy, not just tanked-up off exhilaration, I need to find people who resonate with me and I need to find activities that resonate with me. We are constantly evolving, and I made a conscious choice to evolve to the light rather than to the dark.
    I explain all this because, while my book, “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date,” would be considered paranormal by many, it is different than what you’ve read before. It is about goodness; it is about sharing love; it is about understanding ourselves and fully developing our highest and greatest potential. This will be more and more obvious as the series progresses — we will see Faith, the main character, learn how to discover her true self and how to help the world!
    Much of my book involves angels and, of course, the lightworker angle. What is a lightworker, you ask? Lightworkers are a type of individual whose purpose is to help humanity, and humanity, like all in the universe, is composed of energy. Lightworkers raise the vibration of the planet simply by being here and also by performing acts of love and kindness. When we think about all that is good within our reality and bring it down to one word, that word is love, and lightworkers are here to teach the world about love. This is where Faith develops. She learns she is a lightworker, but one who hasn’t been fulfilling her life purpose. And in the “real world,” this certainly can and does happen. Many lightworkers are not doing all they can to bring love and light to the world, and as a result, often feel a sensation in their solar plexus that doesn’t go away until they begin to do so. Compounding this is to be a lightworker, one doesn’t even have to be aware of the term!
    Beyond this element, Faith is told she has one year to fulfill her lightworker “duties,” or she will be pulled from her assignment! This adds a level of intensity to the story because Faith has to figure out in one year (of book time) how she can help millions of people. If you’ve ever wondered how you can make an impact on the world, this will be your series to read!
    Faith also has a special relationship with angels, and along the way, she is assisted by them. Studies consistently show the vast majority of people believe in angels, and one doesn’t have to look far to find examples of people who believe they have been helped in some way by an angel. Many will even say angels have saved their lives! I know that I have been helped by angels – many, many times – and you’ll see their influence in the story.
    Whichever way you resonate, you are exactly where your soul needs to be in this moment! I honor you on your journey and bless your presence in reading this guest post. For those who choose to read “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date,” it is available on Kindle (which can be downloaded to your computer if you don’t have a Kindle!) and paperback via Amazon and other sites. It is a fun and eye-opening mystery – I hope you love it!

    Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date by Caroline A. Shearer Publisher: Absolute Love (December 9th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 244 pages
    In a Stephanie Plum meets New Age-style,"Dead End Date" introduces readers to Faith, a young woman whose dating disasters and personal angst have separated her from the reason she's on Earth. When she receives the shocking news that she is a lightworker and has one year to fulfill her life purpose, Faith embarks on her mission with zeal, tackling problems big and small — including the death of her blind date. Working with angels and psychic abilities and even the murder victim himself, Faith dives headfirst into a personal journey that will transform all those around her and, eventually, all those around the world.

    A fun, fast-paced metaphysical mystery!

    "More and more people are reaching within for their innate spirituality, and, in that search, are beginning to bring harmony to their inner and outer worlds," says Shearer."However, as thought patterns and unconscious habits and negative actions crumble, life can feel like a tumultuous journey. The main character of Faith exemplifies this progression. She takes a step forward in one area, only to stumble backwards in another, but through her wit and charm and ability to laugh at herself, we discover how we, also, may be gentle with ourselves and learn to love the ride."

    "Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date" is a mystery novel, as will be each book in the Lightworker series. The spiritual theme and Faith's life purpose as a lightworker are larger elements that come into play over the course of the series. Look for much growth in Faith's character — and have fun along with her as she stumbles to her highest and greatest good!

    Find Caroline A. Shearer Absolute Love Publishing / Blog / Goodreads
    Purchase Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository
    Audio Intro. read by Caroline

  • Blog Tour: Tell Me A Secret Character Interview, Video and Giveaway

    Blog Tour: Tell Me A Secret Character Interview, Video and Giveaway

    Tell Me A Secret is a fabulous story that I will not soon forget. I posted my review of it HERE and now I am thrilled to be a stop on the blog tour. Today I am honored to get a chance to speak with Miranda herself!

    J: Thank you Miranda for being on my blog today. Can you tell us one thing that teens may not realize when they feel they are in a serious, romantic relationship?
    Miranda: I don’t think there is anything wrong with serious romantic relationships, but it’s easy to get caught up in them and lose sight of the bigger picture—that’s part of what happened between Kamran and me, both of us for different reasons. Remember to stay grounded in your friendships, your goals, and the things you know to be true.
    J: If you could go back to before you were pregnant and give yourself advice, what would you say?
    Miranda: I think I would tell myself to take a step back. I did good things for the wrong reasons and some not-so-good things for the right ones. It’s hard to see things clearly when you’re right in the middle of them. It helps to have good friends to stand by you through the hard times, and the confusing times. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a true friend, but it’s worth it.

    J: Out of everything you have had to experience, what sticks out as the hardest part? What one thing did you learn the most from?
    Miranda: The hardest part was losing my sister and learning to stand on my own. I think I was looking for myself in her, and later in Delaney and other people. It seems so distant, now that my life has taken such a different turn. When you learn something with your heart and not your head, it changes everything.

    J: Most teens don't have a good understanding of what pregnancy is actually like. Can you share with us what part of it surprised you the most?
    Miranda: I think it surprised me that you could get so close to something you’ve never seen or heard. After Lexi was born, I just kept staring at her, like, Is that you? Is that really you? Someone you know and don’t know at the same time. It still surprises me every day.

    J: If Xanda had been alive when you learned the news of your pregnancy, what do you think her first words to you would have been?

    Miranda: I’m not sure what she would say, but I can picture what she might do: she would spin around with her hands over her mouth. She might say, “That’s terrible.” Or she might say, “That’s wonderful!” She might even say, “I can’t believe it’s you and not me.” But after the initial shock, she would throw her whole self into sticking by me through it all.

    J: Do you have a new outlook on life and loss, or a new philosophy you now try to go by?
    Miranda: What sticks out for me the most is when Nik talked about why difficult things happen. She said, “We don’t always know why things happen until down the road.” The future is where the hope is, she said. I don’t know what’s in the future, but I know I’m hopeful now.

    And here is a BONUS! A video from Holly where she discusses her deepest, darkest secrets! Wouldn't you like to know some of Holly's Secrets?

    Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala Publisher: HarperCollins (June 22nd, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Hardcover: 256 pages In the five years since her bad-girl sister Xanda’s death, Miranda Mathison has wondered about the secret her sister took to the grave, and what really happened the night she died. Now, just as Miranda is on the cusp of her dreams—a best friend to unlock her sister’s world, a ticket to art school, and a boyfriend to fly her away from it all—Miranda has a secret all her own.

    Then two lines on a pregnancy test confirm her worst fears. Stripped of her former life, Miranda must make a choice with tremendous consequences and finally face her sister’s demons and her own.



    • 1 winner will receive a TELL ME A SECRET ART PRINT — Inspired by the book trailer.
    (As pictured above)
    • You must be at least 13 to enter.
    • Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
    • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
    • Contest is US Only and ends December 15th.
    • Once contacted the winner will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.
    • The form must be filled out to enter.

    Tell Me a Secret — Free Audiobook Podcast

    Podcast To access the Tell Me a Secret podcast, click on the banner or HERE to get to the page.

    Find Holly Cupala Holly Cupala / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads
    Purchase Tell Me A Secret Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble
    Book Trailer

    Thanks so much Holly for the post, giveaway, and VIDEO!

    The Tell Me A Secret blog tour is hosted by Teen {book} scene.You can USE GOOGLE to visit the other stops on the tour.

  • Interview & Giveaway: Pure by Julianna Baggott

    Interview & Giveaway: Pure by Julianna Baggott

    Julianna Baggott, the author of Pure, is here today to talk about the book and one lucky winner will get a signed copy!

    1. Can you give us 5 words that you would use to describe Pressia and Partridge?

    Haves and have-nots collide.

    2. Can you share with us a few of your favorite lines from Pure?

    There's a character in the novel who only has the ability to echo, more or less, what's been said. There's a term called"echolalia" in which people can say anything they want to but often repeat things they've said or someone else has said — directly after. I love writing his dialogue because it's never a simple repetition. What Helmud decides to repeat and how are the key to understanding him. What he says can be loaded.

    3. Pure involves such a unique and dangerous world, what was the most difficult part of the writing process? How did you build upon the world we see in the book?

    I have to see the landscape — when in the world of PURE — before I write it. This isn't true of other books I've written where sometimes the words arrive and the setting takes hold. So it's dream first, write second.

    4. You've accomplished a lot in the writing world. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment?

    PURE exist because of all of the things I've written in the past. Those works have led me here — as disparate as they seem. And the blurbs for PURE mean an awful lot to me. The range is incredible — from Pulitzer Prize Winner Robert Olen Butler to the producer of the Paranormal Activity Franchise, Steven Schneider (who's also an author). I don't want to namedrop anymore than I already have — but I admire the writers who've commented on PURE so damn much — I'm truly thankful and humbled by their endorsement.

    5. Fox 2000 bought the film rights to Pure! Congrats! What did you think when you heard the news and do you have any new details about the deal?

    Honestly, I was relieved. There'd been a lot of action and talk and bustle and huge anxiety for a week or so … and then they swooped in and took it. I knew the producer already and knew immediately that I was in good hands. Deets? I have no idea. My job at present is to keep my fingers crossed.

    Pure by Julianna Baggott
    Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (February 8th, 2012)
    Reading Level: Young Adult
    Hardback: 448 pages
    Series: Pure #1
    We know you are here, our brothers and sisters..

    Pressia barely remembers the Detonations or much about life during the Before. In her sleeping cabinet behind the rubble of an old barbershop where she lives with her grandfather, she thinks about what is lost-how the world went from amusement parks, movie theaters, birthday parties, fathers and mothers.. to ash and dust, scars, permanent burns, and fused, damaged bodies. And now, at an age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia to either be trained as a soldier or, if they are too damaged and weak, to be used as live targets, Pressia can no longer pretend to be small. Pressia is on the run.

    Burn a Pure and Breathe the Ash..

    There are those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked. Pures. They are tucked safely inside the Dome that protects their healthy, superior bodies. Yet Partridge, whose father is one of the most influential men in the Dome, feels isolated and lonely. Different. He thinks about loss-maybe just because his family is broken; his father is emotionally distant; his brother killed himself; and his mother never made it inside their shelter. Or maybe it's his claustrophobia: his feeling that this Dome has become a swaddling of intensely rigid order. So when a slipped phrase suggests his mother might still be alive, Partridge risks his life to leave the Dome to find her.

    When Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again.


    • 1 winner will receive a SIGNED copy of Pure by Julianna Baggott.
    • You must be at least 13 to enter.
    • Name and email must be provided.
    • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
    • Contest is US only and ends February 25th.
    • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
    • The form must be filled out to enter.

    Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

    Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository

  • Job Update!

    Job Update!

    Big BIG news everyone!

    First of all, I just finished my last day of classes. Monday I enter the classroom FULL TIME as a student teacher. I'm coming in at the right time, the end of their quarter is Friday. So next week will be mostly observing. But then starting on Monday the 8th, I am teaching an entire unit in British Literature all by myself. The book I've chosen is "1984" — if you have any lesson ideas, let me know!

    So that's a pretty big deal, but it gets better.

    I love my blog. But I want to be able to talk about other things than books — like my teaching experiences and my job hunt! So I've created a secondary blog, The Adventures of Miss Remmers. This blog won't be updated everyday, but I will be putting up the adventures of mine in the classroom while student teaching, different lesson plan ideas, job hunt stuff, and anything else having to do with my life in the classroom — obviously all pertinent information will be confidential, so you'll be seeing a lot of Student Y and School X ect. But hopefully it will be a good time, so I invite you all to stop by and see me struggle through life (only a little).

    And FINALLY the BIG BIG news!

    I have applied for two positions, same school district, one at the middle school and one at the high school. This school is my TOP choice as its the school where I'm student teaching and it's right in town next to the college. This is important because I want to continue my education, and what better way of doing so than by living in a college town, I love the area, I love the community, it's close to family, and of course it's where T (boyfriend who is a graduate student) lives. So it's an all around GREAT opportunity.

    Wait for it...

    I just got a call asking for an interview!


    I go in next Tuesday (the SECOND day of student teaching).

    Wish me luck. If you have any suggestions, hints, tips, or ANYTHING that would be helpful for my first interview, please let me know! I'm already getting a little bit nervous. I mean this isn't just ANY interview — this is my dream job!

    From now on, anything like this post will be posted over at The Adventures of Miss Remmers. I hope to see you all there soon!

Random for time: