The Best Reader [Search results for award

  • Award 9.17.09

    Award 9.17.09

    Last week I was awarded 'The Who Loves You Baby' award! This award is given to those bloggers whom you love and who have awarded you in the past! Pass it on!

    A big thanks to Gofita's Page s for passing on this award to me! I love you too!

    I am passing this on to:

    Joanne from Slice of Life who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award". Joanne is a great commenter and blogger. So friendly!

    Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award". One of the most caring and sincere people I've met since beginning this blog.

    Sheila from One Person's Journey Through a World of Books who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award" and "Kreativ Blogger" award. Shelia is such an awesome person — she's always doing something exciting. Plus, I love her "Morning Meandering" posts. They make my mornings.

    Nicole at Books and Bards who awarded me with "The Lemonade Award". Nicole is such an awesome character! She's that person online who I wish I knew so much better but I feel like she's just a mysteriously awesome person.

    Gofita's Pages who awarded me with the "I Rock"Award and the "Who Love's You Baby" Award. This girl is awesome. She always reading something exciting and her blog always has something new going on.

    Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings who awarded me with "Let's Be Friends" Award. Fiona is so active in the blogosphere — whether she's commenting on blogs, writing, or reading. This girl is one of the most dedicated bloggers out there.

    The Ladybug at The Ladybug Reads who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens" award. I can't wait to read her book about "an anthropologist vampire who uses the principles of quantum mechanics to definitively prove the existence of fairies" someday.

    Thank you to everyone! You are all so awesome and I truly feel blessed to be a part of this awesome community.:)

  • Award 8.13.09

    Award 8.13.09

    The Lemonade Award
    from Nicole at Books and Bards

    The Lemonade Award is a feel good award that shows great attitude or gratitude. Here are the rules for accepting this award:

    • Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post.
    • Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
    • Link your nominees within your post.
    • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
    • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
    This is awesome! I feel honored to receive this award! Thank you Nicole! And since my summer is almost over (as of Saturday) — I feel like this is the perfect end to a great summer. Here are the blogs I'd like to pass this award on to:

    Write Meg!
    Debbie's World of Books
    reader's random ramblings
    Slice of Life
    Sharon Loves Books and Cats
    Frenetic Reader
    Maw Books
    Book Butterfly Reviews
    That Chick That Reads
    One Persons Journey

    Thank you so much Nicole! Make sure to check out Books and Bards.

  • Award 12.28.09

    Award 12.28.09

    A month ago (I know, I'm late), Justine from A Bookful of Thoughts was nice enough to give me this great award! I apologize for only now getting to it (I didn't forget). I just got caught up in the Holiday Festivities! Thank you so much Justine for such an awesome award and for discovering my blog. Please stop by and visit Justine — go ahead, spread some book love.

    Here are the rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award": Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

    The 10 blogs I've newly discovered:

    1. A Bookful of Thoughts:)
    2. The O.W.L.
    3. Red House Books
    4. The Book Bug
    5. That Teen Can Blog
    6. The Crooked Shelf
    7. A Passion for Books
    8. Poisoned Rationality
    9. Handle Like Hendrix
    10. The Book Cellar

  • Miss Remmers' Review's Awards

    I am thankful to have received the following Awards:

    • Kreativ Blogger — 7.16.09
    • Let's Be Friends — 7.29.09
    • Your Blog Rocks — 8.7.09
    • The Lemonade Award — 8.13.09
    • Zombies and Chickens — 8.28.09
    • Zombies and Chickens — 9.22.09
    • Sharon's Rose Petal Award — 9.25.09
    • Sheila's BBAW Award — 10.23.09
    • Who Loves You Baby — 10.27.09
    • Proximade Award — 12.7.09
    • One Lovely Blog Award — 12.28.09
    • Honest Scrap Award — 1.28.10
    • Prolific Blogger — 2.2.10
    • Sugar Doll — 2.19.10
    • One Lovely Blog Award — 4.27.10
    • Xxtraordinary Blogger Award — 6.15.10

  • Award 2.2.10

    Award 2.2.10

    I received this award from Sheila and Sharon! Thanks! Receiving this award means:

    A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.

    1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
    2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
    3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
    4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (in my blog for the Mr. Linky page.)

    Here are my Seven Prolific Bloggers!
    1. Nise

    2. The Koolaid Mom
    3. Alexia

    4. Lisa

    5. Debbie

    6. Natasha

    7. Sandra

  • Award 12.7.09

    Award 12.7.09

    The Proximade Award was given to me by Sharon at Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews a couple weeks ago. Thank you, Sharon for this awesome Award!

    The Proximade Award is given to blogs that invests and believes in the Proximity — nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

    Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award

    I choose for my eight bloggers to recognize...

    Sheila from One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

    Esme from Chocolate and Croissants

    Sandy from Pirate Penguin Reads

    Gina from Book Dragon's Lair

    Jasmyn from Jasmyn's Stuff

    Leslie from That Chick That Reads

    Scarlett from From the Heart

    and... of course, Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews

    Please visit these blogs and share some book love!:) Thank you Sharon for such a great award!

  • Award 8.28.09

    Award 8.28.09

    Yay Toast! Okay — so that's the kind of mood I'm in! But there's good reason. This week I received FOUR awards! Three of them are the same — but still that's VERY very awesome!:)

    Big thanks to Joanne from Slice of Life, Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews, and Sheila from One Person's Journey Through a World of Books for giving me the Zombies and Chickens Award!

    "The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the Zombie Chicken — excellence, grace, and persistence, in all situations even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all."

    Wow — that is a super intense description that I stole from Joanne. Big shoes (and expectations) to fill. I feel very honored to receive this award (twice!). Thanks SO much to Joanne, Sheila, and Sharon! You three are awesome! As for who I'd like to pass this award on to...

    Gofita's Pages — Always has something fun and interesting going on there. Very friendly blogger — I always look forward to reading her comments.

    Reader's Random Ramblings — Very thoughtful posts and reviews. Mostly to blame for my ridiculously long TBR pile.:)

    Laura's Reviews — Very friendly blogger who reads both 'mainstream' and 'new find' books. I appreciate her eclectic taste.:)

    Thanks again to Joanne, Sheila, and Sharon for this awesome award!:)

  • Award 7.29.09

    Award 7.29.09

    A huge thank you to Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings! She's awarded me with this awesome Let's be Friends Award!

    "I am now going to pass on this award to eight other friendly blogging type people, who comment, host challenges, and follow my blog. Congratulations, and display your award with pride! Please pass on the award to eight other bloggers and share the bloggy love!"

    Took that from Fiona! Haha thanks again Fiona! I'd totally send this back to you if you hadn't already sent it to me!

    1. Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books — I love your Morning Meandering Books!

    2. Laura at Laura's Review — Thanks for all the amazing comments!

    3. Megan at Write Meg — She always has some fun post going on!

    4. Gofita's Pages — One of the best commenters ever! I always look forward to seeing what you have to say and love that you check my blog so often! You're awesome!

    5. JoAnn at Lakeside Musings — I love JoAnn's posts like Wordless Wednesdays and all of her reviews!

    6. Monique at The Little Reading Nook — Always something interesting going on at her blog!

    7. Joanne at Slice of Life — I always love hearing about what she is reading — probably attributes to a huge chunk of my TBR list!

    8. Marilyn at Brant Flakes — I love finding out about all the Jane Austen (ish) books she's reading!

    Thanks again to Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings for this great award! You're awesome! Definitely check out all of these blogs — they are the first places I check out everyday (even before Facebook — gasp!)

  • End of Fall Reading (Fall 2009 Edition)

    End of Fall Reading (Fall 2009 Edition)

    Well, I survived my last fall semester of my undergraduate career. I surprised myself by being able to maintain all of my school activities and keep this blog running. Most of my inspiration comes from the fact that as of now (yes right now, I have three applications out) potential employers will be reading this blog.

    Since August 15th, I have read and reviewed 18 books. And I have hosted TWENTY Guest Reviews that are posted as of right now. I'd like to give a big thanks to the bloggers who have made time out of their crazy schedules to be a Guest Reviewer — you have no idea what it means to me. Thank You!

    I have received the following awards: Zombies and Chickens Award, Who Loves You Baby, Let's Be Friends, Zombies and Chickens Award (2), Sharon's Rose Petal Award, BBAW Sheila Award, Who Loves You Baby (2), Proximade Award, and One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you for all of these great awards!

    I have hosted the following Giveaways: "Sugar Time, " "Thanksgiving at the Inn ", "Mr. Darcy's Dream, " and "The Man Who Loved Books Too Much. "

    I have acquired 36 followers. Thank you — it means the world to me!

    I created a Privacy Policy and a Review Policy. I also hosted my first Holiday Campaign for Guest Reviews. To date, I have 72 book reviews posted!

    In the past six months I have met so many great people and because of these amazing people I have read some amazing books! Thanks to you all!

    PS: Picture is of Pippin on Christmas Day — it's Santa Pippin

  • Award 1.28.09

    Award 1.28.09

    I received The Honest Scrap Award from Kath. The rules for this award are:

    1. The Honest Scrap Blogger Award must be shared.
    2. The recipient has to tell 10 (true) things about themselves that no one else knows.
    3. The recipient has to pass on the award to 7 more bloggers.
    4. Those 7 bloggers should link back to the blog that awarded them.

    My ten things are:
    1. I am deathly afraid of cats. I will run the other way if I have too. No joke.
    2. My favorite books are "Pride and Prejudice," "Moby Dick," and "Frankenstein"
    3. Despite it being labeled as one of my favorites, I've never actually read ALL of "Moby Dick." I've only read parts during my survey courses during my undergrad career. I love the depth of the novel and will randomly open and read it but I always get so lost in the philosophy and depth of the novel that I end up shutting the book to 'ponder'.
    4. Also embarrassing, I've never actually read all of "Frankenstein" either. I love it (again) because of the depth
    5. I will (someday) read and teach these books
    6. Right now I am in Vegas for my cousins wedding. No, it is not an "Elvis" wedding; she lives in Vegas. This has been in the works for a while.
    7. In the past couple months I've become completely addicted to Twitter
    8. I am going to BEA10 with Sheila!
    9. I played hockey for 13 years
    10. My first job application is due tomorrow!

    I am passing this award onto the following blogs:

    1. Lisa (Lit and Life)

    2. Sharon (Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews)

    3. Sheila (One Person's Journey...)

    4. Esme (Chocolate and Croissants)

    5. Joanne (Slice of Life)

  • Award 8.7.09

    Award 8.7.09

    So much thanks to Gofita's Pages for awarding me with this 'rocking' award — that's a pun, get it? I am so excited, especially since it's my birthday! So happy birthday to me and thank you, again, to Gofita's Pages. I'm new to the blogosphere and my experience has been awesome. I've met so many new people, found out about some amazing books, and I've aquired some awesome reads. I'm so excited to have been giving this 'rocking' award — is the pun getting old yet? Okay, I'll stop.

    I'd like to pass on this award to everybody — but in order to keep this post from reaching a crazy length — I've sort of narrowed it down. Sort of.

    Cassie from Happy Book Lovers Blog. She's so enthusiastic to help me! Thank you for your support.

    Nicole from Books and Bards. I also look forward to reading her posts and I love it when she comments on mine — she always has something exciting to say. And she's this week's Guest Reviewer!

    Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews. Thank you so much for taking such an interest in my mission. I can't thank you enough.

    Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books. Probably one of my best friends in the blogosphere. I know I say this ALL the time — but I really love the Coffee Cup posts.

    Megan at writemeg. I love her posts — always something intriguing at worthwhile going on at her blog.

    Fiona at a reader's random ramblings. So friendly! I love it!

    Joanne from Slice of Life. She has an awesome contest going on for a copy of Vision in White by Nora Roberts (hurry up, contest ends today!) But besides that — she's the most faithful commenter I have and I love it and really appreciate it!

    And to all those who I missed — so very very sorry! You know I think you rock anyway! Thanks again to Gofita's Pages for this awesome award!

  • Award 2.19.10

    Award 2.19.10

    At the beginning of the month I received a very sweet email from Laura, from Reading and Rooibos (it was so sweet, I thought I'd share it): "I'd like to pass on the Fabulous Sugar Doll Blogger award to you! Check out my latest post for more details: You were one of the first people I interacted with as a result of Bloggiesta and your kindness was very much appreciated. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to future reviews! Rampant has been calling to me ever since I read your post." The Fabulous Sugar Doll Award calls for the recipients to, along with passing the award on, provide ten fun facts. So... here you go.
    1. This month I purchased my own domain name and I'm so excited about it ( 2. I also purchased my first every BUSINESS cards... 3. mostly to be used at Book Expo America (May 2010)! 4. But also for future job interviews (which will begin very soon). 5. I am currently in a wheel chair. I am doing an investigative report on how inaccessible campus is to students with disabilities. I have been in a wheel chair for an entire week (it's a lot harder than I thought it would be) 6. I begin student teaching on March 1st, only a couple weeks away 7. I want to adopt (not right now, but in a few years) 8. I'm a severely Type A personality — I color code and plan everything. But I like to be flexible too. 9. I spent Valentines Day with a great guy skiing in the Black Hills. 10. Hmmm... I feel like I've let people down as my fun facts are less fun and more fact. So I'll make this one interesting. I have a problem. I love movies. As a youth when I was making at least a $100 a week working as a waitress, I would buy a movie every Tuesday. I have eleven boxes of DVDs.
    I'd like to pass this award onto:

    • Esme
    • Meg
    • Beth
    • Fiona

  • Award 6.15.10

    Award 6.15.10

    Recently, I received the Xxtraordinary Blogger Award from Reading with Tequila. Thank You!!

    The rules for this award are simple. I must share one extraordinary thing that has happened to me, and I must pass this one to five other extraordinary bloggers!

    Extraordinary thing I'm having a really hard time thinking of something so I'm just going to go with the first thing that comes to mind (I'm not sure if it's XXtradordinary though...) . I was offered my teaching job right after my interview. This is pretty rare in education, especially in a bigger school with lots of funding. I hadn't even graduated yet.

    Passing this award on to

    • A Home Between the Pages
    • Age 30+... A Lifetime of Books
    • Eclectic/Eccentric
    • Estella's Revenge
    • Books and Thoughts and Adventures... Oh My!
    Thanks again to Reading with Tequila for the great award!

  • Award 10.27.09

    Award 10.27.09

    This week I was lucky enough to receive an award from Laura at Laura's Reviews!

    Who Loves You Baby! Award is given to those bloggers whom you love and who have awarded you in the past! Pass it on!

    While I think that EVERYONE deserves this award, to save my own selfish time and effort, I'm only going to list the kind bloggers who have awarded me with... erm... awards since the last time I was given this award.:)

    1. Sheila over at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books
    2. Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews
    3. La Coccinelle at The Ladybug Reads

    Thank you so much Laura! :)

  • Award 4.27.10

    Award 4.27.10

    Thanks so much to The Bookish Type for this award!

    If you are listed, please follow the rules:
    1. Put this on your blog, whether as an entirely new post like I'm doing, or on your sidebar.
    2. Choose other newly discovered bloggers that you love, and award them with this.
    3. Send them a message/comment to let them know.

    I'm passing this award on to:

    2 Kids and Tired Book Reviews
    Queen of Happy Endings
    The Compulsive Reader

  • End of Summer Reading (Summer 2009 Edition)

    End of Summer Reading (Summer 2009 Edition)

    This is my last Summer post — today I head back to school (literally, as you are reading this I am on my way back to the middle of nowhere, South Dakota). I have got a lot accomplished this summer — seeing as how a couple of months ago I was barely reading a book a month and this blog didn't exist.

    Since June, I have read and reviewed 23 books. And I have hosted NINE Guest Reviews that are posted as of right now. But I have scheduled Guest Review posts every Wednesday until Sept 30th — so really, that's SEVENTEEN Guest Reviews. I'd like to give a big thanks to the following people who made time out of their crazy schedules to be a Guest Reviewer — you have no idea what it means to me. Thank You!

    I'm forever going to be looking for Guest Reviewers — if you are interested please check out this post. If you'd like to learn more about my mission — look at my blog.

    I have received the following awards: I Rock Award, Let's Be Friends Award, The Lemonade Award, and the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you for all of these great awards!

    I have hosted the following Giveaways: "My Name is Will", "Boy Toy", "Dancing With Ana", "Benny and Shrimp", and "A Vengeful Spirit".

    I have interviewed these authors: Preetham Grandhi, Lizzy Armentrout, Nicole Barker

    I have won these books: "The Imposter's Daughter", "Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict", and "A Duty to the Dead", "The Darcy’s & the Bingleys", "The Plight of the Darcy Brothers"

    I have acquired 24 followers. Thank you — it means the world to me!

    I have joined Twitter (@google), Goodreads, Book Blogs.

    While you probably won't see as many reviews or posts from me this fall, I am determined and I am dedicated (you can quote me if you want) to finish at least two books a week (exception is Finals Week).

    I have about a year to build up as many reviews as possible before my students see my collection. But very soon (could be as soon as December!) employers will be stopping by to see all the reviews I have collected and they will discover my mission. I can't wait to begin my senior year so that I can soon begin the rest of my life. It's indescribable and I'm not doing it justice. I am so ready to share my love of literature with others and make a difference. Again, thank you so much to the Guest Reviewers who have sent in reviews — this wouldn't be possible without you. (Well, it might be — but all the reviews would be of books I like and am interested in.) If you're interested to adding your name and blog to the list — please let me know at missremmeres[at]gmail[dot]com and check out this post.

    Guest Reviewers

    • Sharry — Always Dreaming
    • Scarlett — From the Heart
    • Sharon — Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews
    • Nicole — Books and Bards
    • Hannah — About Books
    • Sheila — One Person's Journey Through A World of Books
    • Megan — writemeg
    • Cassandra — Happy Book Lovers Blog
    PS: Picture is of Pippin and me after our last day on the lake. Well, we live on the lake — but that was the last time we went out fishing!:) Haha! Happy Summer/Fall everyone! It's been an incredible journey so far!

  • Award 6.23.10

    Award 6.23.10

    Big thanks to Patty at Books and Thoughts and Adventures... Oh My! for this award.
    This award calls for me to share 7 things about myself:

    • If you haven't been able to tell, this summer I am attending a huge amount of weddings (8)
    • I am living at home with my family for the summer before moving into my very first apartment
    • I will begin teaching 9th grade Reading in SD
    • I am currently reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels in between review/library/BEA books
    • My new goal for the year is to learn Spanish
    • I am a black belt in Taekwondo
    • I am certified to scuba dive
    I'd like to pass this award onto:
    • Amanda at The Zen Leaf
    • Lisa at Lit and Life
    • Jennifer at Rundpinne

  • Award 9.22.09

    Award 9.22.09

    Another Award! I'm so excited I'm on Cloud Nine! This is awesome!

    The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken — excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all...

    Thanks to La Coccinelle at The Ladybug Reads!

  • Award 9.25.09

    Award 9.25.09

    So Sharon, from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews, has done it again. No, not in the naughty sense! But in the "Nominated me-for-another-award" sense! And I love her for it! Sharon is such a great person — really! She goes above and beyond all things book related! So upbeat and outgoing — I feel like should nominate her for her own award! And you know what... I just might! Thank you so much Sharon — I feel so loved and important to be one of the first ones to have ever received YOUR first Blogging Award!

    Who do I visit most? Well, lets see! I'm not going to list everyone — simply because I sometimes feel as though I'm nominating the same people all the time. So I'm going to try to an expand my horizons — but it's not that I don't love you all. I do.:)

    Sharon — Seriously, like previously mentioned, you think her blog is awesome (and it is)... but the blog is just a fraction of how awesome this woman is. Thank you Sharon!

    Sarah — I love her taste in movies and books! Maybe because it's so similar to my own?

    Maggie Shayne — I love how powerful her voice is on her blog. It's inspiring!

  • Rafe Esquith's Article

    If you read my review of Rafe Esquith's book, "Lighting Their Fires," you know that I absolutely loved his book. Esquith has reinspired me to be the best teacher that I can be. Thanks to Caitlin, from FSB Associates, I am able to post this article for you all to get a taste of Esquith's writing. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend that you purchase this book if you are a parent or an educator. Very few books I will recommend to buy, as I am a firm supporter of my library — but I just couldn't help but highlight the inside of this book.

    Five Tips to Help Your Child Develop Their Natural Gifts By Rafe Esquith,

    Author of Lighting Their Fires: Raising Extraordinary Children in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World

    It'd be nice if there was a secret I could tell you about how to instantly make your kids more successful in school and life. But there is no magic pill, only that old stand-by, hard work. And the funny thing about that is, you can't force kids to work hard. I suppose you could try, but I've rarely seen anything useful come from kids whose parents had to hold their noses to the grindstone. If there's something close to a secret, perhaps it's this: Kids work hard when they want to work hard, and this happens only when are motivated to do so by some positive internal goal, and not by fear or because they are worried about disappointing others. They work hard because they value hard work. Instilling kids with values like this is the first step the long road to real success.

    But that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do to make this happen. Here are five ways to put your kids on the path to extraordinary:

    Toot Your Own Horn. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you I sound like a broken record when it comes to spreading the gospel of music education. Put simply, every child should play an instrument, and parents should make whatever sacrifices are necessary to put a flute, trumpet, guitar, or tuba in their kid's hands. I don't have room here to list all the valuable skills that playing music can help develop, but one of the most important is the ability to listen to others: to make great music, a child must learn to pay attention to what others are playing. Doing so improves focus and teaches a valuable lesson about collaboration.

    Be the Example. We've probably all seen a parent yelling at her kids to be quiet and perhaps chuckled to ourselves about the mixed signals sent by this gesture. It seems like an easy lesson: for kids to understand why things are important, you have to be consistent. But this isn't just situational advice. Kids mirror parents and adults in far more depth than we often realize. They internalize our values by watching what we do, which is why it's essential that we live the way we want them to live. We can stress the importance of being on time until we're blue in the face, but if we're constantly late to pick them up from school, that's what they're going to remember.

    Great Books are Great for a Reason. Kids have two backpacks: the physical one they carry their books in, and the mental backpack where they store all the lessons and experiences they'll use to help make decisions. A paperback copy of To Kill a Mockingbird won't take up much room in the first one, but the wisdom contained within this book can be carried in the mental backpack for a lifetime. There are lessons here about choosing generosity over selfishness, making the right choice even when it's the difficult one, and standing up for your beliefs. I also recommend Thornton Wilder's fantastic play Our Town, and anything by Shakespeare (important note: kids are never too young for Shakespeare). A kid with a library card has the world at her fingertips, and when parents read with her, they can serve as map to help make sense of that world.

    Do Unto Others. Volunteering is a great way to build character and teach values while making an important contribution to the community. Working at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving, visiting an elderly person at a retirement home on a regular basis, or planting trees and helping to beautify your town are all great ways to help kids learn about the importance of selflessness and humility. I know several families who volunteer together on a holiday schedule: on each day off, they pick a different activity and spend a few hours volunteering together. This way, parents get to be the example, reinforcing the positive message.

    Patience, My Dears. In today's on-demand world, kids are taught that anything worth having can be had instantly. This is an incredibly bad lesson, and parents must work to counteract this by instilling kids with patience and focus — the skills that will let them buckle down to achieve the truly great things that invariably take much time and effort. I've found that gardening is an excellent choice when it comes to teaching patience. Kids see that reaching their goal is a slow process, one that requires dedicated care and attention at every phase. And since they get to watch their garden grow as they tend to it, they learn that the real pleasure is in the process (though ripe tomatoes are certainly also a pleasure, and tasty!).

    You may have noticed that most of these "success" tips don't have anything to do with school. That's because making kids extraordinary people is the first step toward making them extraordinary students. All follows from values and character, and in working to instill these, you'll create kids that you — and the rest of the community and country — can be proud of.

    ©2009 Rafe Esquith, author of Lighting Their Fires: Raising Extraordinary Children in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World Author Bio Rafe Esquith, author of Lighting Their Fires: Raising Extraordinary Children in a Mixed-up, Muddled-up, Shook-up World, has taught at Hobart Elementary School in Los Angeles for twenty-four years. He is the only teacher to have been awarded the president's National Medal of the Arts. His many other honors and awards include the American Teacher Award, Parents magazine's As You Grow Award, Oprah Winfrey's Use Your Life Award, and People magazine's Heroes Among Us Award. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Barbara Tong.

    For more information, please visit

Random for time: